My Entry For Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week 5. The new me -my personal achievement

The new me - my personal achievement

This topic "How has Steemit communication changed my life?" was presented by @dobartim in his #Steemitultimatechallenge. And I want to thank to @dobartim for organizing this contest.


Early reason I joint Steemit

I became the headmaster of PAUD since 2012. At that time, our study place, riding in other educational institution. They used the place late in the afternoon, we borrowed in the morning.
In 2015, we got the help to built a classroom, in the same year we managed to build additional buildings at a cost of 84 million rupiah. 33.500.000, is a soft loan. Loans without interest and payment limits. Still this is a debt.

That amount of debt is huge for me. But since I am headmaster, the burden of debt repayment is my responsibility. In addition to paud debt, there are additional monthly routine needs.

Schools don’t charge as much as other schools around the neighborhood, but there are some people, who cann’t go to school, because they have no fees. I created a foster parent program. They are free of charge during school in PAUD.
On the other hand, my high demands on improving the quality of education services, sometimes make teachers shake their heads.

This situation sometimes becomes a dilemma for me. For years. On the one hand, I want to provide a good early childhood education at an affordable cost. On the other hand, I also have to think about resources (read time, energy, mind, not infrequently money) issued by teachers. One of the solutions is to not keep your hands up, get a lot of extra income.
Debts and operational costs that must exist, plus innovations both curriculum, facilities and infrastructure that must be continuously done, requires a lot of money.

In 2015, I quit teaching in a tutoring place. The goal is to have more time to write. Instead of having more free time, it turns out my time is taken to take care of paud. Training tiered 6 months, accreditation, development and debt chase pursue.

Thankfully, with tight budgets, and help from private donors (including teachers), our debt is only a few million.
Allah wants another. Our building needs to be renovated, because otherwise it will harm the studying residents. By the end of 2016 we have to renovate. Debt back arised.

I started to feel tired. There is nothing I do for myself. Allah is asked to be accountable, we will be asked, what has been done with the advantages that have been concealed?

I pray for a job that has a lot of income. My prayer are heard. I got another job. Become secretary of Village PKK. At that time our village will follow the Village Level Competition. My salary "SAJUTA" (Patience, Honesty, Tawakal)
I protest to Allah. I ask for a job that can make money, why even given other social work?

Apparently there is a very important lesson, given to me while escorting this village race. There are two reasons, for a problem. Positive and negative reasons. Find the positive reason. That's a new understanding for me.
After the race was over, we got the second provincial champions, I officially resigned from the work of PKK village secretary. Still a PAUD headmaster, my brain does not stop spinning. How do I can earn additional income, to be able to pay off PAUD debt and continue to provide funds for foster care programs.

I've tried to sell. Some stuff sold, but i lost one item. There was also a price error. Thankfully from a slight profit, the loss of loss of good decreases.

One day a teacher sent Free Writing Training. In his promotion. Earn money from writing. I met Pak @jharyadi. Learn to write at Cimahi City Public Library every Wednesday. One day, Pak @jharyadi invited @mariska.lubis to our writing class. Doing a Steemit Promo.


After a lengthy explanation, most of which I didn’t understand at the time, when Teh @mariska.lubis said who wanted the list, I immediately volunteered. The first reason I entered Steemit, I am interested in the lure of money, which we can get from this platform.

Financial Communications

Early the money that became the main attraction of Steemit for me, didn’t come. Plus what I love, write a novel. Not favorite post type. I am fortunate to have seven years in PAUD. Working hard from scratch, without being able to see the finish line, not something new. But sometimes I'm discouraged.

But the seniors, through their posts and upvote, always reminded that nothing is instant on Steemit. All successful and reputable people must struggle to achieve it.

I was very stressed in the first 80 days. Smart Content. Smart Community. Smart Financial. Nothing I have mastered. I just learned to write, not used to have many friends, and PAUD still have a lot of debt.

Allah's love is great. Through reading other steemian posts, many times I got up from a broken spirit. Beat the envy of seeing other people’s upvote, try again better, again, and again. It leads to a sense of happiness, as friends at Steemit make progress.

Education Communications

Steemit became a place I studied life. Steemit become my life education. This has become something extraordinary for me. My current state should be able to always produce a word of gratitude, rather than a complaint or a whine in my heart and mind. But I often fell anxious and scared. Without a clear cause.

As there is a dark power, which makes my life, feels as a burden that sometimes will never be finished and unbearable.
When tired, my whole body feels pain. Head feels heavy. Stomach acid rises. I lost my motivation for life. This feeling often frustrates me. Because the remaining feeling was, worried about everything, and fear.

My two years indulge in feelings and thoughts filled with fear, weakness, deficiency. I am very lucky, the obligation to lead in early childhood, can be well done.
Writing .... There is no desire to write. And when I started writing, there was nothing I could write. Staying at the end of each year, I write down one of the targets, the novel release.

End of 2017, one of my targets realized. Through Steemit, I can release novels. Although every post in Steemit, just post two pages. I personally keep counting it, as a great achievement.

Reading and learning from people's posts, looking at every writing lesson I read, asking seniors, often I do, amid frustration and sometimes depression.

The post @rismanrachman who asked, what is the resolution of 2018, in Steemit? One day one post, my determination in my heart. Also,
he said 'Post something that makes you happy', again saving me from the frustrated sucking mud.


The post @levycore, inspires my heart to become a formidable fighter in Steemit.


Comment from @ mariska.lubis, add descriptions, until people can feel and as if they are in your novel, keep me practicing.


"Add interesting photos, even if you're posting a novel," says @aiqabrago, becoming one of my guides, making a more interesting post at first glance.


The humbleness of a leader. I see @bahagia-arbi has not eaten, at dinner intimacy 1 st Meet Up National KSI in Bandung started. He is busy searching for chili sauce, and making sure other friends are getting food.


Many great people in steemit, creating the nearest positive environments, become easy task.

Business Communications

The affirmation of seniors who likes Steemit as a business and posting into his product, taught me to become an entrepreneur. Being an investor, another aspect of mine, is also realized here. What I invest is the work and reward results.

Life Communications

Accustomed to the rhythm of a comfortable person behind the scenes, preferring calmness, silence, and peace, it is rather difficult for me to establish new relationships with others. Identifying myself introvert, making myself more open and connected with people, not an easy job.

In steemit, I began to get used to communicating with many people. Doing a steemit promo, on some police officers, during the Meet Up Chapter Bandung March 16, 2018, became one of the proof of my great achievement in the field of community. It makes me feel better, to myself.


From my personal hard-earned reward, I also started to give a little donation. Although the amount is not much, but again this adds to the list of personal records, things that I like myself.

Steemit means a blend of business, personal development, and togetherness for me. The enormous amount of positive energy emitted by the Steemit and other stealth friends is a stronger deterrent, for the darkness that always drags me down to feelings of deprivation, guilt, fear, and anger.

Not much I can do for the Steemit community at this time. Much of the energy is still directed against self-defeating thoughts and negative prejudices.

But 85 days in Steemit, I feel a lot of change. Negative aura is getting weaker. My energy and health are getting better. Doing what I really like (read writing). Hopefully I can earn money from writing.

One thing that is very exciting for me. Money is no longer the main attraction of Steemit. New friends, togetherness, a conducive learning atmosphere, having a steamy diary in Steemit, a positive environment, became Steemian very strong binders for me.

Only those who want to keep learning, keep trying to produce better posts, keep trying to improve themselves to become better friends for others, giving their best efforts, in good and honorable ways, that will survive and succeed in Steemit. I hope, I include into this group.

Thanks for reading.

Bandung Barat, 4 Maret 2018 10.02 pm

Warm Regards

Cici SW

Thanks again to @dobartim for this ultimate challenge. Thank you for competition Sponsors : @dobartim , @flysky , @aidasfg7 .

Thanks to all great people on this platform, who has made a better place to live.

To get more information about the contest,


Wah kerennya

Terimakasih banyak @gethachan.
Hehehehe sekalian belajar nulis

Semoga menang teh cici :)

It's great writing. A very interesting and very inspiring experience. It turns out to be successful it requires a struggle that is not easy. Keep moving and creating in any form.

Success always to Mrs @cicisw.

Thank you Pak @jharyadi. I will always try my best

Your welcome. I hope you success forever.

Thanks for sharing your story, Teh Cici. It's inspiring! I learn a lots from it. Steemit community is awesome! Glad to know you, glad to be in the ksi-chapter bandung, and the most, I love to be a steemian! :)

Good luck ya, Teh, semoga menang!

Aamiin. Thank you for your support @alaikaabdullah.The pleasure is all mine

Keren teteh... Sukses selalu :)

Terimakasih @kakilasak.
Doa yang sama untuk @kakilasak

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