
Glad you like it.

I had some trouble with fitting in the lyrics.
I choose to leave out some words.
I'm not completely satisfied though. I will give you an example.
"I crushed my bitcoins into the wall."
I made that into.
'Crushed my bitcoins into the wall'
But I think in hind side that; 'I crushed my bitcoins to the wall' would sound nicer.
But my native language is not English so I don't know if you can say ;
"TO the wall" instead of " INTO the wall" .
I would like your opinion on that.
Maybe you thing I'm nitpicking too much. You can say that also.

The other thing I have is, that I don't know if I fully understand the meaning, I like to know if I understood it correct.
I will give you a short story on how I interpret the "story"
//You are trading coins, when they get low, you stay with it, you don't panic like others who cash out, in a panic drop, or when they have 2-3 times of what they put in.//

Let me know what you think. Leave it, or maybe change some things (make a second, slightly different, version with changes in the lyrics so that all sentences in the couplet start with "I .....")

Detail........... details..............

IT's PERFECT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I know I'm too critical about my "work" dear spouse ;)
But thank you for the compliment, and your help setting up cubase and powerdirector, so I could use them, and being you of course.

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