Day 183- SteemitEducation Homework- What is the most important thing, according to you, to teach children of all ages?

Children are extremely special and beautiful and I realized this more after becoming a mother. Earlier, I nurtured a more biased behavior towards kids, and was mostly nice to the kids I found cute and adorable. However, when I became a mother, my attitude towards kids changed a lot and I became nicer to all kids. I realized that every child is worthy of love and affection.

This brings me to the @steemiteducation homework for this week: What is the most important thing, according to you, to teach children of all ages?

There is not one, but lots of important things that we need to teach kids of all ages, but right now, there is one important thing on my mind which I teach my son and try to teach any kid that I come across- acceptance and compassion.

Why Children Need to be Taught to be Accepting and Compassionate towards Others


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When I became a mother and especially when I put my son into school, I started thinking a lot about my son suffering from bullying. I hope, wish and pray that he and no child goes through that ever in their life. The reason I feel bullying is so widespread is because children aren’t taught how to be accepting and kind towards others. Just like I was biased towards kids before, children often nurture a biased attitude too.

Instead of realizing that all of us are unique in our special ways and have something special to offer to the world, we are often unkind towards those who seem different to us. This is one of the major reasons behind bullying. Not only bullying, but a lack of acceptance and compassion often results in other issues such as racism, inequality, lack of patience and ignorance.

When we aren’t accepting towards different ideas, culture, ethnicities and concepts, we are likely to support a judgmental and racist attitude. For instance, there are many people in my family who think being dark skinned is a shortcoming and the same attitude is passed on to their kids. Similarly, they often make fun of people with different ethnicities because of a lack of acceptance.

When I see such attitudes prevailing in my society and family, I become extremely scared because all of this is negatively influencing my son and may shape him into a judgmental and less accepting individual too which is something I don’t want for him. This is why I try my best to teach Faateh to be more accepting towards everything and everyone and nurture compassion. He is an extremely empathetic boy and is kind towards everyone so I don’t need to work much on teaching him how to be compassionate. He shares his lunch with the janitorial staff in his school; does not like if anyone is crying; and makes sure everyone around him is happy so he is quite a lovely boy.

My job now is to teach him to be more accepting towards different ideas, people, concepts, beliefs and religions so he does not judge anything and label it as bad, but tries to ponder on things, explore them and figure out what he wants for himself instead of doing what he is told.

When we teach kids to be more accepting towards others, we teach them to be open to different ideas. Naturally, if a kid does not nurture a judgmental attitude towards a new idea, he/ she is likely to accept it and then even explore it and see if it works for him/ her.

Similarly, acceptance leads to less bullying and judgment. For instance, if a child accepts another child with a different ethnicity or one with a special medical condition, he won’t make fun of him or ridicule him. Instead, he is going to accept that kid the way he is and is likely to be compassionate towards him too. He is not going to be mean towards a child with special needs or one that seems timid or weak to him, but will be kinder and nicer to him.

When a compassionate and accepting kid grows into an adult, he/ she is likely to be more accepting and open to different things around him including religion. In my country, there are numerous religious sects and many of the people belonging to the different sects nurture a harsh, judgmental and mean attitude towards the other sects. Labeling their beliefs as the best beliefs and coming up with plans to ridicule other sects is quite common here. This is something I disapprove of and something I wish to change for the better. This can only happen if we start teaching our kids to be more accepting. Only when they are more accepting towards different religions, they will accept each religion as it is and won’t nurture a demeaning attitude towards it.

Not only that, but I believe acceptance also helps you choose the right career and profession for yourself and build for yourself a more meaningful life. Often, people are unhappy because they fail to build a more meaningful life for themselves and one of the major reasons behind this is not being in a profession you feel passionate and excited about. For instance, there are many people here who cannot pursue music as a career because their elders think it is not a respectable profession and one that won’t benefit them much. Personally know of a guy who couldn’t pursue music and had to take up medicine as a means of earning a living. That guy feels miserable about his life and badly wishes he didn’t listen to his parents back then.

If we are more accepting towards different professions, we won’t have to stay stuck in fields we don’t like and will be able to build more meaningful lives for ourselves. So you see, acceptance is a wonderful thing and if you teach kids to be more accepting and kind towards people, ideas and beliefs, you will shape them into considerate, confident and strong individuals who will go on to shape the world for the better.

How to Teach Kids to be Accepting and Kind

For me, leading by example works really well and this method works effectively with my son too. If I want to teach my son to be accepting and kind towards everyone, I need to first do the same. So I make sure to talk nicely and politely to people, particularly the beggars and be accepting towards everyone. When Faateh sees me being nice and accepting to others, he starts to nurture the same attitude.

What in your opinion is the most important thing to teach kids? Would love to read your ideas on it.

Thank you for going through my post and being patient enough to read my super-long blog-posts.

Love and light,


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I think the most important thing for anyone (kids or adults) is self-awareness. Getting to know themselves and then acting accordingly, this is ultimately how you 'win' and live a happy, productive life (and positively affect those around you). It's not easy to teach per se, but it does need to be encouraged and nurtured then everything else will fall in to place…

Oh yes, self-awareness is an extremely important thing to teach kids to and I think acceptance helps out with self-awareness too because when you are accepting, you find it easier to explore yourself and become more aware of your many needs, desires and aspirations. Thank you for the meaningful comment. :)

At the bare minimum, the fruits of the spirit

Galatians 5:22-23 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Beyond that, I think that computer literacy and software programming is a must. Our next generation is going to need it to advance our species.

I agree with most of this post. Our children learn bullying from us because it is not something that ends in childhood. Prejudice exists in adults. Our children mimic, replicate, and spread our own ideas. However, they are young and we can not be certain what they will do with them. We cannot be certain how our words, thoughts, attitudes, and troubles will manifest in our children on the playground.

Instead of teaching them our adult views and reactions to the world, we should teach as you say

acceptance and compassion

I'd like to add though that I think "acceptance" is innate in all humans. What happens is that prejudice trains "acceptance" away and teaches us not to. To need to teach "acceptance" sounds like we are trying to unteach prejudice. That prejudice is there and now we need a stopgap of "acceptance". Personally, I think that without prejudice, "acceptance" does not need to be taught.

Keep writing. I like what you post.

What a nice and meaningful comment. Thank you so much for that. Means a lot to me when someone takes out the time to read my work, think on it and then give their input. Lovely! I think acceptance is needed even without prejudice cos there are lots of things one needs to be accepting and open towards so acceptance always comes in handy.

Giving self confidence to your students can make you perfect teacher for students of all ages.

Absolutely :)

Your son is lucky to have a mother like you, teaching him every aspect of life at an early age would make him a strong man!

And did you check the blockchain? I am still waiting :P

Yeah I like to believe that I am a good mommy too ;) and Faateh is a super amazing boy. So blessed to have him.

Yar Saturday ko behen and behnoi left and Sunday ko I fell super sick. Bs ek do din mein check karti hun.

Yar Saturday ko behen and behnoi left and Sunday ko I fell super sick. Bs ek do din mein check karti hun
Theek hey aur milne ka scene bhi on karein. Mein ne Yasir bhai se milna hey.

You r indeed a storage of education my sweetie pie. You excel with each blog u post. Keep it up. Regards Nainaz.

Thanks a lot for all your love Nainaz <3

Nice post! Children can change your life and sometimes your character . They make you more aware and responsible.
Thank you for sharing your experience!

Thank you for the kind words @hanen. So happy to see you here. Children are definitely great teachers and my son has taught me a lot about myself and the world than anybody else.

I like the idea of teaching acceptanceand compassion to children of all ages. It restores the moral values of the present generation. With less discrimination, what a wonderful world could it be.

Exactly which is why I find it an important thing to teach kids especially from a young age. Thank you for the kind words. :)

I couldn't agree more! Kids aren't necessarily getting a good set of parents every time, and we need more of this in the world today. Thank you for this! Cheers

Often, the parents don't realize the importance of teaching acceptance to their kids. I have a wonderful mothernd was raised in a friendly environment by her and my father and they were lovely to me and my siblings, but they did not realize how important of an element acceptance is so they never taught that to us. I believe it is not that the parents aren't that good; most parents are considerate, concerned and loving towards their kids, but they somehow don't value and acknowledge acceptance and compassion much. Thanks a lot for the appreciation and for stopping by. Means a lot :)

Very welcome. Agree with the view here. I suppose I meant it more like ill-equipped. Good people just taught or forced to value some things inappropriately, or not value.

Yes completely agree with that.

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