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RE: What Should Parents Do If Their Child Is Bullied: Or is the Bully?

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

An important topic that needs more attention, its nice to see someone caring about it, my parents never cared at all, I could never go to anyone to get any help.
"The most important thing is for the children to feel is that they are totally supported by their parents." Very true!


@gyro because you experienced it first hand, you can help others to know what it is like. Bullying is so horrible and I truly feel that parents and the schools need to take it much more seriously. That is why I am trying really hard to bring to light all these issues that are usually hidden. It is not fair to the children or the adults who go through this horrible torment.

Really consider writing your experiences because it would be so valuable. When you do, please let me know as I would love to read about it. By standing up to this ignorance we can make an impact. I am proud that you somehow survived the ordeal but I know the scars are deep. You really can heal by writing. It has helped me.

Please take care Gyro, you do have a lot to help others!!! :D

Thanks for the kind words you obviously practice what you preach!

I have never thought about writing about it, I learnt at a very young age not to say anything when I told my mother what was going on she said you’ll just have to toughen up, end of conversation. No support nothing. So to write about it is a huge step, you have made me think about it, to help someone else may be a good incentive.

I can’t really see how my story would help any one, Im not exactly a thriving example, just someone who survived got through it, the toll it took on me has placed me in a very small life/box. I wish I had a happy ending and could help people out with a great story of success.

Thank you and I support you, Im slowly going through your other articles, I will let you know if I can work out what to write:)

Thanks and take care Cabbagepatch.

@gyro you don't have to have a happy ending to make a difference in someones life. I've learned the hard way too, that life is tough. But we who have had challenges have a story to tell so that people can learn how their cruelty can have lifetime affects on a young life.

Your story would be so helpful to others because you've been there and somehow survived. Even surviving is saying a lot. I also believe that one day you need to go beyond the cruelty of your past. Don't let these bullies win. You'll find that writing is very helpful. Even if only one person reads it, and it makes a difference, than you have won.

I believe in you just by your comments and reaching out to me with your story. You must believe in yourself first, even if your mother didn't. Telling someone to get tough is not the answer. People don't really know what it is like to be put on the receiving end and then not having any support. It's a terrible life for someone so young.

When you write your story and post it, let me know. I can always help by featuring your post/article and/or doing a writing article of bullying in a sequel post. Just tag me on any article and I will see it and read your story. I even look forward to it. Just remember to let people know how you suffered from bullying so they can stop and think twice when they see someone bullied. Please take care and I am glad you were able to tell me about what you went through. Always, Cabbagepatch :D

I also just had another thought. Many people write poetry to express their inner turmoil. You should also consider that. It doesn't have to rhyme, it just has to feel. This was just an after thought! :D

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