Cheetah Bot Sucks


I just have to put my 2 cents out there about the @cheetah bot.

I mean I get the point. I read the Cheetah Bot Explained article. The thing is, not everyone else did. As a new user trying to get some of my content that i posted on Medium, which had only a few views to a new audience, I have copied and pasted a few of my own original articles here for the Steemit Community. I spent the time on these pieces and was sad to see that so few people viewed them on the other platform.

I guess what I'm saying is, "Sure, I know that you're trying to keep people from plagiarizing, but you make people who aren't plagiarizing look like they are." And I know it's not supposed to be a big deal if it's your own stuff that you're re-posting but my Midnight Sun Arnica Oil post on Medium literally got 2 views. Maybe the bot should take that into account. Or the fact that the copied article that it found is posted by an account with the exact same name ... @jayjayjeffery over on Medium.

What really got me going is that when you look me up on Steemit's search this comes up ...

Tell me that doesn't just make someone go ... "Well she's a copy cat, why would I read her stuff?"

I will certainly begin doing this:

" It is for people who are posting content in multiple locations at the same time. In addition, these users are ensuring that the other location in which the material is posted, also contains a cross-reference to the steemit article, just as the steemit article contains a link to the secondary location."

But I really hope you all recognize that I'm not plagiarizing. Just trying to get my stuff to a larger audience.

(The top image is sourced from @cheetah bot posts)*


Yea, that's a bummer. Too bad they can't compare the user names of the content and see they are from the same user. Don't worry about, we see you aren't a cheeta ;)

I think this isn't a cheetah problem as much as it is a Steemit problem. Steemit should allow people to curate from outside sources similar to what Reddit allows. Too many of these problems are appearing as people want to use the service like Facebook and/or Reddit to repost and curate content to their inner circle of followers.

Steemit should have a way to only post content to your followers as an option, but also just needs a simple mechanism to share an outside source as well.

I guess we'll add it to the list of things we hope the platform adopts in the future. I mean it's still in beta right?

Do you know if there's a place where you can make suggestions for fixes to the platform in the future? I mean I'm sure they're still working on the bugs and glitches and all right?

yes, I would imagine the github would be a good place and just point the github post to a steemit article

you cant use links and post the same as with Reddit due to copyright law which doesnt apply to Reddit as they hold limited hosting rights, content here must be original as it makes up the platform and rights belong to Steem,
must be used under fair use as outlined by specific websites terms and conditions.

Terrific takedown of the bot. I'm sure that the cheetah means well, but there are an awful lot of factors to consider, and I'm not sure a bot will be able to take them all in.

Keep going. You'll have fans.

Thanks, appreciate that you get it. ( :

your posts are fine since you created content
contact @steemcleaners in #steemitabuse to have your name removed

It's a happy problem in a way - wait until someone on here copies your story entirely, making a few lame word changes and makes $20. when you made $0.20 then tells you it was an experiment...Yeah. Just keep going and ignore the man behind the curtain :)

I'm already beginning to be a fan of yours

ha ha, I'm glad - I'll mention you to a few of my friends- You need numbers

It's as if you were reading my mind.

glad to hear it's not just me!

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