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RE: What this place is missing... (and how so many here are just struggling against reality)

in #steemit5 years ago

Amen to that, I second every word you've said (I'm over 30, but I'm young inside :D)
I still think the problem is not the revenue though. I mean, it's ok, Steem might or might not be the key to some future gain, who knows. The problem is that as a social network, it's honestly not much to look at. Interaction is very poor, the interface is very primitive (although some of the external sites have overcome that problem). You have to search for specific groups and communities, and you won't always find them, and even when you do, instant communication will mostly happen over discord or other easier platforms.
I'd love to start posting content, but I'm not much of a content creator, and there's just no way I'm going to start posting random stuff in the hope that someone will give me an upvote. But I would love to be able to just share a song I like, or an idea, talk politics or sports with people, and maybe, just maybe, save a couple cents in the process. It's just not happening. No interaction, nobody cares about what a dude listens to and thinks about sports. They'll only care if they can make a buck in the process. Then you'll see big accounts posting about the food they eat and having a hundred upvotes and answers. And it's downright discouraging.


I so agree with this. I was just saying in another comment, why would anyone invest (time or money) in this platform when it's just the same five snobs regurgitating the same old content then scoffing at the smaller accounts?
I agree it's not just about revenue, but really, that is or should be one of our biggest draws. Right now, you're supposed to work for "quality content" and settle for the fact you'll get nothing for that. Why would I do that? As you pointed out, I might as well share a meme or a song on other social media like Facebook or Instagram and I'm get more emotional reward.

But why don't you post what you listen to or politics or whatever else interests you? If you feel like it, go for it ;) I agree engagement is at an all time low, but often enough (at least for me) I get more engagement on "shitposts" about my day-to-day life than on stuff I actually work on.
Thank you for the excellent comment :)

Thank you for the excellent answer :D
It's not really what you talk about, but how you decide to tackle with whatever you want to talk about. For instance, for me sharing songs would be a somewhat intimate endeavor, since a lot of music has some sort of emotional meaning to me, and I try to give the rest of it a bit of thought, as a listener. I guess that's why I don't feel encouraged to do it. Or maybe I've just been postponing for the fear of not being able to commit to regular posting.

And just for the record, I like the stuff you actually work on, I just miss a lot of it because I'm not always online, therefore I usually keep to myself :D I'll try being more, uhm, vocal in the future ahah

Ow thank you :) That's really nice of you.

I get what you're saying about music, I'm the same. All the songs I share (with anyone) have to do with some idea inside me, some feeling, but that doesn't mean the other person/people need to know exactly what, you know?
I just share the song in hope it might mean something to the other person, too.

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