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RE: A Steemit Future for Fiction

in #steemit7 years ago

You have made me think with this post. In fact, I have been thinking about publishing my stories under the #fiction or #writing label since yesterday. Although it was not your initial intention when you wrote this post.
All the texts that I have published take hours of work not only writing but also trying to translate it to keep the ideas that flow from my head to a language that I thought I had mastered.
Just as my commitment to this social network is a long-term commitment and my recent passion for writing increases with each post I write, I have decided that everything I post from now on in #fiction or #writing will go through the writer's Block .
And if with my popularity, which is not much I can help in something to improve the image of fiction in steemit that I will do. Because of course what I do not want is to bring a bad image to a genre that I love since I was a child.
See you at The Writer's Block. :)


Teks, you are the kind of author those of us at the block want to work with and encourage. The language difference adds to your challenges when you write and some flaws might slip through, but you are willing to work and learn and later you will be able to look back and see your author growth in your history. It is not my intention to discourage those with challenges, but instead to encourage everyone to do the work to put their OWN best work out, instead of settling for something less than their own best.

It is also a dreamat the Block to some day be able to support authors who aren't working in English. We just don't have enough people who come from the same language background to do that right now. So if writers out there are reading this and thinking, "but I am only comfortable writing in my native tongue," please do consider checking out the forum anyway. If we can get a few authors who want to work in the same not-English language, these authors can be teamed up for their own peer review groups. And all of us benefit from building our understanding of other cultures, as things will always come up where you wish you had someone to ask...

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