What Is Your Purpose On Steemit? Money, friendship, visibility...other ?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Steemit is not like any other blog, and has 'different' benefits. For me the SEO, networking benefits and financial gain is paramount to support my business, or I wouldn't be here. I am just being honest.

That said, I have met some wonderful like minded people who make it worthwhile also.

Currently, for me, it's more the SEO benefits and visibilty, as we know some of us are down on votes, and financial gain, so I am discounting that as a current motivation.

Sometimes I feel the only way I would get more visibility would be to do a naked cartwheel video. It would probably get views, but I doubt I will have any return visitors.

I am not going to get into the debate of how to get more views and votes, I have been here long enough to understand there is not one single factor, and things can turn at any time. Steemit is wonderfully unpredictable. 

One minute you are drowning your sorrows in Steemit gloom, and the next we are doing cartwheels (with clothes on) and celebrating the wonderfulness of this enterprising platform. 

Anyway, back to the above. It is important to understand our motivations, because we don't want to waste our time here if it makes us feel miserable or unfulfilled. Even as a pastime, too much social media can cause low moods and depression. We don't want that!

So, my main motivation is gain more visibility in google and Steemit is great for that. If you haven't done so yet, check out google, see if you can see your username in there, it is surprising what you will find!

Unfortunately you cannot change your steemit account name (only your display name) so if its not your brand name, you may get a little stuck with that. Not sure if the display name makes any difference (anyone know?)

I have met some wonderful people on here, and I will endeavor to build strong relationships with them and others in my areas of work, it's great for support, friendship and knowledge sharing. I am also a student. I have a thing for learning!

Just for the record, the majority of my blogs link back to my little enterprises that are LOA coaching, Tarot Coaching, Writing and Small theatre productions.

I am not making much dollar on here at the moment and if that was a primary goal, I would have had to have a break for a bit, as I almost did a few months ago; it really knocked my confidence and I had little time to try harder, to make more money.

However there are other benefits to being here, and currently it's not just about the money (Although that helps!) My motivations may change at a later date

So, be honest...what is your current Steemit motivation?


I started off hoping to make a bit of money to support my writing.
I don't really understand how it all works really, but also see as I am investing in the big thing of the future.

We are on similar journeys I feel. Everyday is different. :-)

I think it’s exciting being a part (small), of a global movement. I also enjoy learning so much about the coming new paradigm so that it will be possible to help others when they arrive.

Oh, I would love to learn more about upcoming Steemit trends (I struggle to understand the technical side of it) yes supporting others I would like to also be a part of in the new paradigm. Are these your thoughts or do you have information on how things are shifting? Would love to know more...

No info just intuition... I can not fathom how more people won’t come here. And with the speed and no fees use as a currency seems inevitable. Then multiply these with yourself as a miner... the implications are humongous!

I've come across some obstacles. My daughter tried to sign up, I have tried to sign her up. We have used different phones, emails you name it, cannot get an account going ! possibly about 5 different occassions now. (That's one reason) Another reason is the free flowing style (I have my own website so I can categorise my blogs) If Stemmit can have independent category buttons, that may help. It looks a little messy from the outside, is what I am told, and sadly the drama llama posts take up trending posts it puts people off. The amount of conversations I have had with people about the 'professionalism' of steemit is countless. But am looking at this from on perspective, I believe Steemit works, but it's still early days. This is @sarahewaring by the way posted on my sons account.

As with anything in early days, you need time to streamline and fortify any endeavor. I agree about categories... they would help me a lot.

I mainly follow technology blog . But I am a student so earn money is less important for me.
And friendship is the more valuable think of the world ,everybody has need a good friend

Thats a lovely thought to have !

My motivation is to share my stories and the money here is much better than I made in years having them on Amazon.

Great stuff! I hope it continues to support your writing journey! :-)

My main motivation is to share my writing and make my poetry more visible to more people. I'm afraid poetry has a very small niche and isn't the most "popular" form of writing ... but it's one of my first loves .... and to my surprise, I've actually managed to make a little money from it!

You're very good at it so you should, in theory, be making money. I wish Steemit would be more balanced, but it is a free market!

Thank you! I'm working on it! :)

came originally for the independent media/news with little hope of ever living off the money made here. Been on here for a year and I keep coming back for the networking and the content. I love the freedom on here and connecting with people from all over the world. Plus I get to share my opinions and some of my fiction/poetry.
The money is nice to see but honestly I hardly ever move any Steem or SBD off the platform. I have a bit on Bittrex but I'm no crypto-whiz lol I'm just learning about wallets and all that but it's nice to see people like my content enough to vote for it - even if it's 0.01 :)

The freedom is great and you have come from a good background to get going! I have been here 16 months or so and it's so changeable it is hard to guess the financial probably of income. Ps...love your hair!

it is hard to guess the financial probability but isn't that true when we look at basically everything? I mean unless you're have a basement full of gold bars or a safe with a few thousand diamonds in it lolol even resources like oil and cattle are sliding (thank goodness!) but nothing is certain in life and I think cryptos are really diggin' that truth into the collective now.
Thank you, it's taken me 30 years to say it but I love my hair too! LOL

Yeah I think your right...just checked out your awesome blog!

<3 I'm honored! :) thank you for checking it out

My motivation is ....well....the interaction first and then the money but letting that all sit for a rainy day... I guess if I had to work it like a job I could do better. But for now its the people.

Upvoted and resteemed

Thank you my dear

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