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RE: The Announcement of SF 22.8888

in #steemit4 years ago

You were fine with your decision. You were happy to vote for what you believed in. What changed? Money. That's what changed. Now, suddenly, you're not happy with your decision because it meant there was money involved that you did not receive due to the decision you made that you were happy with, until there was money involved. This entire guilt trip you wrote is unnecessary. There was a chance to appeal and receive the airdrop on the table since day one. That exclusion list was never meant to be interpreted as a 'final decision.' Why are you leaving that part out? Why does everyone leave that part out when they feel like being victims? I find that behavior to be quite peculiar.

Do you realize when I voted for what I believed in, I had no way of knowing in advance I'd be receiving an airdrop? Nobody knew there would be a hardfork and an airdrop. Nobody voted for a hardfork and an airdrop. We had no way of predicting that outcome.

Some people chose to strengthen a Sybil attack. Those politics you got yourself mixed up in were pointless. You were either actively participating in a hostile takeover, or you weren't. The code didn't care what your name was, where you're from, what you believe in. Those things didn't matter. If you're to include those involved in a sybil attack in a fork of chain that only exists to get away from the sybil attack/hostile takeover/shit-show (whatever you want to call it) then that would make the new fork pointless because it would come with a hostile takeover already in effect.

So they simply removed those accounts and created an appeal process. So simple and only logical. Quite professional. Now all you folks have to do is appeal. Not act like victims or attempt to villainize those who only did what they thought was right, which in essence was no different than what you did.

You are more than welcome to join Hive. What you call "public shaming" is all in your head but I do think some of you folks need to grow up.


I never stopped believing what I did was right, and what was done was wrong. You can hold my stake over my head with this so called "system of appeals", but I will never say that what I did wasn't right, and what they did was. I love how you assume that I want to be a part of Hive. I am happy where I am. Why don't you go back to hive where you belong with the other "grown ups"?

Nobody is asking you to stop believing what you believe in. I'm glad that you love how I was wrong in assuming you'd be interested in Hive, so I'm unsure now if I should apologize or take that as a compliment. If you're happy where you are and not interested in Hive, that's cool with me. I have no problem with that at all and should now assume you're not interested in those Hive tokens either, so at least that's all cleared up and I now know you're not feeling as if you actually lost out. I'm sure that makes you feel better, and you feeling better makes me happy. I wish you all the best, young man. Good luck here on Steem.

P.S. Telling me to go back where I belong and treating me as if I'm some kind of low life scum was unnecessary but I can accept that's how you'd prefer to treat people, all while worrying about how you look when you talk about 'public shaming'. If it's up to everyone else to make you look good, we'll most likely fail if you have an attitude like that. Sorry.

so you think that this thing that justin and steemit is doing right now is ok? you are fine with it?

No. Did you even read my original comment? Here are the first two sentences since you obviously missed them:

I would like to reiterate what I stated in my comment on that post. Soft fork 22.8888 is not good for this platform.

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