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RE: A Steemit Future for Fiction

in #steemit7 years ago

I love the hard truths here. I share your opinion with regards to publishing drafts. A writer is ONLY judged by the works that he/she publishes. If I want to do something well, I don't want people to judge me by what they see when they look behind the curtain. I don't want them to see 'the sausage being made'.

Fiction is a suspension of belief. If a story is badly written, the writer is not doing his job properly, and the reader is left wondering if this is all fiction really is, and that this is as good as it gets.

Its not. Done properly, even in the wild west of Steemit, a good story can draw you in just as well as anything you'd pay top dollar for on Amazon or Audible or Barnes & Noble.

Putting out bad writing just turns good readers into bad readers, and they'll just end up spending their minutes on Youtube instead.

Ok. A bit of a ramble. Great post.

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