24hr ACTIVE STEEMIT USERS AVERAGE PER DAY PER MONTH spreadsheet and charts FOR DECEMBER , 2018steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit6 years ago



AUGUST , 20165,345
SEPTEMBER , 20164,238
OCTOBER , 20163,981
NOVEMBER , 20163,260
DECEMBER , 20163,791
JANUARY , 20174,008
FEBRUARY , 20174,512
MARCH , 20174,910
APRIL , 20173,229
MAY , 20175,347
JUNE , 201712,292
JULY , 201721,075
AUGUST , 201724,625
SEPTEMBER , 201727,276
OCTOBER , 201728,150
NOVEMBER , 201726,398
DECEMBER , 201735,240
JANUARY , 201854,850
FEBRUARY , 201861,240
MARCH , 201859,575
APRIL , 201862,429
MAY , 201860,189
JUNE , 201857,792
JULY , 201857,282
AUGUST , 201855,515
SEPTEMBER , 201849,458
OCTOBER , 201853,053
NOVEMBER , 201849,859
DECEMBER , 201842,550

🐒 The 2 charts below are of the daily 24hr active user also known as accounts transacting broken down into monthly averages. One is a Line chart and the other is a column chart .

🐒 The Average 24 hr user per day for the month of December 2018 was 42,550 . The Highest Average Active User numbers were in APRIL 2018 with 62,429 Average Active User per day .


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🐒 The Average 24 hr user per day for the month of December 2018 was 42,550 . The Highest Average Active User numbers were in APRIL 2018 with 62,429 Average Active User per day .

wow 20K went passive aggressive ;D

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