Three "Fatcat" Steemers Currently Earning Top Rewards and How You Can Imitate Them! Dolphinschool is in session!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The top three, consistently rewarded “trending” authors of the moment are all different in their approach and content. They tackle different topics differently, but all have a consistent work ethic that continues to produce results for them. Two have been around awhile, but one just started a little over a month ago.

One way to get results in anything in life is to study those who are getting the results they want. While I may not agree with every reward they get, it’s not hard for me to say, kudos, great work, and continue to hustle so that my rewards can look like theirs in the near future. So, here they are, Hope this helps.

I’ve included the latest post from each of them, but study their profiles. Look how many and what upvotes they get. Look into their wallets. Instead of trying to tear them down for their success, use it as a template. While others will launch down flagging campaign to even things out, I see these type of steemers as an inspiration. If they can do it, you can do it!

Reminder: as the value of the platform goes up, the number of users increases, as users increase, the price of steem will tend to rise, as the price rises, your rewards go up! The amount of steem handed out is constant, but the value of steem is variable. Let’s keep these people successful and climb up behind them as rewards rise through this summer and on into next fall!

Jeff Berwick @Jeffberwick

AKA the Dollarvigilante, is a controversial figure. He’s got opinions about everything. He’s had some success in cryptocurrency, and he’s considered a celebrity in many libertarian circles. His early adoption and investment in bitcoin have made him wealthy enough to live life on his own terms.

Jeff came to Steemit with an audience, something he understands imminently well. As a student of the Attention Economy, in which anyone with an audience can get pretty much anything else they want in life, he earns an A+.

Recently, he’s reinvented himself here, doubling down from the Dollarvigilante profile with a new personal profile under his name, Jeff Berwick. He’s carried his voting block with him, it seems and consistently earns top rewards despite some heavy down flagging against his content.

How you can do it.

Jeff is a hard one to emulate. He brought a strong audience with him and his fortune is a huge part of his entire platform. Without it, it’s doubtful he’d have the following he does. Keep working to increase your own worth, follow his example and listen to his advice. Then, do what he does, in your own unique way!

Sweet SSJ @Sweetssj

As a self-proclaimed “lifestyle blogger” Sweet is one that has worked her way up from the bottom. She’s consistently provided quality content for nearly a year, with some spotty decent results until the past couple of months when she has taken off like a meteor and stays at the top of the trending category most days.

In addition to her verifiable good looks, she’s a great writer. She shares her travel experiences, love of culinary arts and fashion trends and tips with style. Her content is well organized and easy to read. She uses great images, that I’m guessing she gets from someone who travels with her, since they are not mostly selfies and always of good quality.

How you can do it

Lifestyle blogging is an interesting phenomenon. There have been those who’ve mad their lifestyle their living for generations, but the digital world makes it possible without the kind of family fortune required to run a publishing company, or attract the attention of the jetset.

If you want to be like SweetSSJ, you’ve got to be very intentional. She follows her passions with a passion and she’s made it her job! Each post is well thought out and clearly shares a story that those who share her passions will find interesting.

Editing is the biggest key. Obviously, she’s not sharing every detail here. She picks the most aesthetically pleasing details for most of her posts, but also gives us some glimpses behind the curtain in rant posts about traveling troubles, and some great tips articles. But, each post is designed to serve a specific purpose, she never blends them.

She also recently commented on her audience growth, with over 5k followers, she gets over a hundred votes on nearly every post, but this took her a year to achieve. Note: if you go through her posts to a few months back, you’ll notice, it’s been up and down, but she’s never quit or slacked on quality or content.

Jerry Banfield @Jerrybanfield

Jerry is another big Youtuber. With over 170k subscribers on the video platform, it’s no wonder his rise in two months to over 5k followers on steemit has led to major payouts. Jerry is a lifestyle blogger of another type. He teaches. Most of his videos range from daily inspiration, to crypto currency to personal life experience, relationship advice and the like.

Jerry has also sponsored some big contests, like his latest give away that netted over 800 upvotes! That's bound to make a guy popular, am I right?

Almost immediately, Jerry started getting decent rewards, although he’s had a few shares that didn’t go far. His audience gives him a hundred plus votes on almost every post, which is key to good payouts. Even the average user, with an average of 200 votes per post, could hope to earn upwards of $50k per year from four daily posts, a pace that is not hard to meet.

How you can do it

First, Jerry has a likeable, unassuming persona. He doesn’t come across like Dollarvigilante, he’s very approachable in his style and his work is well done. I think his Youtube work is almost entirely responsible for his Steemit success.
But, if you want to be like Jerry, to start, learn video.

I’m not sure his content would play as well in blog format. He’s got a style developed over the course of his Youtube career that makes his content reliable, practical and easy to follow. He adds a ton of value.


You forgot to mention my name up there.

As your future god king whale emperor I shall forgive you, this time.

Well, if you'd been at the top of the trending page....

I'm at the top of the trending page inside your heart!

Yeah, I just checked and you're somewhere around 500, sorry! LOL

Yep, definitely calling out the order to have you stampeded on by a hoard of "rape-y" dolphins when I take the throne.

You don't want it.

Well, there's enough room at the top for all of us, if we build the audience and raise the price of steem!

Thank you, god king whale Emperor!

I actually lol'd at the thought of this reply. Almost snorted.

Five keys to success on Steemit:

  1. Quality
  2. Consistency
  3. Engagement
  4. Approachability
  5. Followers interested in what you have to say

Very interesting post, thank you!

I agree, except, number 5 should read, saying something people want to hear.

Agree with you. You see, give the people what they want and they'll come ~ George Jessel

Or as Zig Ziglar put it, you can get anything you want in life, if you help enough others get what they want!

That sounds even better. I love Zig Ziglar's quotes and I turn to "Born to Win: Find Your Success Code" for motivation.

He and his brother Zig both really great guys. I got to see them speak as a kid traveling with my dad to Amway conventions.

I believe that.

Great post, those three are beasts 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

@markrmorrisjr also, you may want to edit Jerry Banfield to @jerrybanfield, not "jerrybenfield

LOL, thankyou!

Excellent post, I was curious as to how you thoughts on curation rewards have changed since HF 19, please see my blog post from a few hours ago.=)

I don't get a lot of rewards for curating. But I'll take a look.

Much appreciated for your time and consideration.

@markrmorrisjr These individuals in most cases had some kind of following. It is hard to command that type of presence as "some guy/gal"

Not Sweet, as far as I can tell, she launched her lifestyle blogging career right here, but you can make excuses, or you can find your audience, you can't do both at the same time. Furthermore, each of them started with a single post somewhere, sometime, why not here, now?

I can't argue that point. I just watch some of these guys like craig-grant and Trevon James that are most invested in the platform that gives them the biggest payout in the short term.

Jerry seems invested in the platform, which is cool to watch. And like you point out, those that are homegrown on Steemit like Sweet will have a vested interest in the platform, which is what I think will determine the long-term future/value of Steemit.

I think all people see themselves as a "whale in the making" and that kind of hustle is needed to improve the quality of content! Viva Steemit!

Oh, I agree, with dollarvigilante, this is very much a sideline. He's taken to it as a bitcoin evangelist, but I think there is a genuine interest to see crypto free us from centralized banks and their reign of financial terror.

All three kick ass on steemit for sure. Awesome post!

They are doing that.

Imagine a post, which is upvoted by all these three.

That would be a nice bonus, provided some douche vote vigilante didn't wreck it.

Really excellent post - thank you!

You are most welcome. Hope it helps somebody.

"fatcat" lol I appreciate you including me in the post! I eat vegan now to try to be more of a thin cat!

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