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RE: Steemit Inc. should explain what they are doing with the money on the accounts belonging to them

in #steemit8 years ago

everybody is so fixated on the numbers, that the sentiment, the mood, the perception of the broader audience (minnows) is completely being ignored

whether or not the numbers match up doesn't matter ... whether or not the people have a positive experience, so they stay ... that's all that matters

so ... let look at these numbers;

there's a downwards trend and how come? because you guys are too fixated on the system, the graphs and keeping the markets stable, that you're completely ignoring a growing discontent among your users

and whether or not that sentiment is justified is irrelevant; it's there and it's growing

you need to do something about that ... stop staring at the stats and the graphs and start listening to the people

they feel betrayed, they're getting demotivated, they're losing faith, they feel used and abused, scammed and conned ... and again, whether or not that's justified is irrelevant; you need to do something HUMAN

don't change the algo's or anything, do something personal, emotional ... talk to the people, make them understand that you are listening to them and that you care, because right now, more and more people don't feel like you do!

a 10 day feed-the-minnows campaign ... or simply give the 5000 most active users with less than 100 steem power, each 50 steem power ... just for the geste!

people are emotional, not rational

you need to do something to change the sentiment; reach out, listen to them, acknowledge the complaints and do something to show you care!

get better at being a politician!

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