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RE: Workless wealth and working at Steemit for the future

in #steemit7 years ago

Thank you for your article. I believe that when we are young, we do want "everything" and feel that you shouldn't have to work that hard to get it. As we grow and mature, we change. I have felt these same ideologies. Now at the age of 58, I am working harder than I ever have before. Material things no longer matter as much to me compared to the quality of life.

Now I focus on living comfortable with my needs satisfied and preparing for my future. I no longer have grandiose ideas of physical wealth. "Wealth" is now measured as to the measure of how I have affected those whose lives I touched and impacted. I joined the Steemit community about 10 months ago. I will admit that I do not put as much effort into it as I could, but am developing a base. No, I realize that I will not get rich from it, but do enjoy it when I get the chance and love to read the posts. If I make a little money, great! It is more than I would make from platforms such as Facebook. Also, I feel that the posts have more quality to them than other platforms.


Now at the age of 58, I am working harder than I ever have before. Material things no longer matter as much to me compared to the quality of life.

I am almost 40 and it is much the same except I do have to provide for my family heavily still (my daughter is under 2).

"Wealth" is now measured as to the measure of how I have affected those whose lives I touched and impacted

If more people looked locally at this area, the world would be a better place globally.

Also, I feel that the posts have more quality to them than other platforms.

Overall, I agree as people who are actually trying to make some financial gain from it put in effort beyond what they would for free. It likely even effects those that don't care about the financial side at all also.

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