Managing Stress as a Steemian, Part 2
We looked at how we can manage stress as Steemians and I am sure we all will agree that stress can really take the life out of you if you let it go on unchecked.
Now let's continue to see ways we can manage these stress while getting involved in certain profitable activities.
- Shake things up, pick up an exercise routine.
As a Steemian, I will dare say we have the best platform in the world that allows us time to have fun while also taking time to improve our communication skills and relationship management style.
Exercise is a proven way to manage stress and go on to live a very healthy life. I watched a program on Tv where a little girl was just going around the room while talking and when asked, she said she needed to do 1000laps every day. I think you should form a kind of routine that will help you. It could be jogging or taking a long walk around your neighborhood. Create a fun way to get through your day so you do not feel tight. No matter how tight your schedule is, make sure to squeeze in a least 100 minutes exercise time in.
- Eat healthy.
Not eating healthy can also signal stress and really affect the body. Make sure to take time to eat healthy and watch the way you eat too if you are that individual who stress eats. I have known quite some few individuals who find it hard to eat when they are stressed about something.
Staying stress free and healthy also means you must be able to find time to eat and also eat what will help your body relax and stay healthy.
- Embrace your passion.
One of the major causes of stress is the inability of an individual to do what the like and enjoy doing. many are caught up in a dead beat job because they need the paycheck and no matter how horrible the condition of service is, they remain and just endure the pain until it finally kills them.
A friend of mine had Stroke after working endlessly for the as long as she can remember because the organization never bothered to allow the employees go on vacation and then there are no special compensation on top of which they had to work everyday except Sundays. When she took ill, she was advised to resign because they knew she would never be able to add value to the organization.
Do what makes you happy and even if it looks like its not profitable from the start, be it and it will get better.
HAving a good balance in your life be it on Steemit or offline will help you drop your stress level drastically. make the best of your time her and stay away from stress inducing activities that will end up making you feel sorry for yourself. It is a wonderful world and I am sure it is only the best people that will come out better and strong.
Hope you enjoyed the post?
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I couldn't agree more when you said find a exercise routine. A few months ago I felt like I was always drained and stressed to the max. I was always burnt out and my family was noticing. I felt so bad as it was wearing on my kids and of course that started to stress me out even more.
Well a friend of mine does Jiu Jitsu and suggested I come check it out. I do enjoy MMA but never thought of doing Jiu Jitsu. I went a few times and was instantely hooked. Long story short It has helped calm me down and leaving the gym I always feel so relaxed as weird as it is. Exercise of any kind seems to calm the soul and center yourself.
Exercise has proven to b a life saver and I believe if more people take it up as a routine, they will be the beter for it. Jiu Jitsu is interesting and I look forward to trying it one of these days. thanks for stopping by.
Oh for sure and people don't even need to go over board and do power lifting or martial arts. I have been doing Yoga as well for awhile now to help with my flexibility. I just pick random video's on Youtube, its a great way to just pump the breaks on the commotion of life and just get lost in your mind with focusing on your breathing. Pretty much just like meditating I find. Thanks again for the post, great share!