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RE: Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Your Food

in #steemit6 years ago

I am so looking forward to the day when that is a reality. I almost got a tower garden this summer but it was too late in the growing season for it so I decided to wait until spring. In a city I lived in a few years ago they took over an abandoned office building, gutted it and turned the entire 20 stories into a gigantic hydroponic, computer monitored garden tower, complete with fruit trees as well as vegetables. It is incredible how much food they can grow there on trays reaching up the full 20 stories. The computers in each tray control the water and the light and the nutrients furnished by the compost in the exact amount needed far better than a human ever could so growth is absolutely optimal.

If we coupled that sort of gardening with the power of the block chain and smart contracts, we'd never have to wonder about our food sourcing again! When I think of what it could do for struggling countries and their agriculture industry I can see where famine and malnutrition could become words that faded into history.

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