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RE: Apply The FOUR Post Limit And Make Steemit Great Again! - Reduce Spam, Reward Pool Rape And Flag Wars!

in #steemit6 years ago

I totally agree with you. I think there is so much goodness and giving and helping going on steemit but unfortunately so is GREED.

I think steemit should provide a tool that will limit only 4 posts a day. Like you said there is just no need to make more than 4 posts a day and there is no way you can make 6 or more good content posts a day and it doesn't matter if you are just starting or if you are a whale. It's not just about you.

Leave some room to let the newbies grow, since they are the future of this community. Leave some room for anyone to have their chance of their work being seen.

What a about giving hand out to new steemers and just investing into this community so that it will benefit in the long run for everyone not just you.

We are all in this together and we all want to grow so lets treat each other the way you want to be treated with respect and love.


"We are all in this together and we all want to grow so lets treat each other the way you want to be treated with respect and love."

100%. It's weird how people are so willing to burn down the forest that they live in.

A post limit would force away all those absurd spam bots, or at least slow them down.

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