Providing Hope for Creators (including this musician)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Tl;dr: Steemit = HOPE

I've been setting a lot of goals lately, and for the first time in my life, feeling like those goals might just be attainable.

One of my longest goals has been to be a financially sustainable creator, meaning that my creations in their various capacities (through music, writing, art, and various crafting) would provide a sustainable income for me, so I can be freed from the chains of the 9-5 life.

Ultimately, I left a comfortable and very fulfilling teaching profession to pursue this goal of sustainable creation, and I've been working diligently toward that goal since then, while working "just a job" in the meantime to make ends meet.

The strain comes in regard to exhaustion. I don't get much sleep. I'm either out playing music late into the night (or I'm plagued with insomnia), and then I am up early for work. I honestly haven't felt this generally tired since my senior year of college.

I'm exhausted.

My job, as far as difficulty, doesn't seem much at first, but the reality is that it is taking a huge toll on my life in general. There's an added element of an emotional tax with my job, and by the time I'm off work, if I don't have a gig or a meeting to run to, I typically need to be practicing or working on other endeavors, as I'm trying to make this work.

However, the exhaustive emotional and creative drain I feel when I get home makes me want to do nothing except sink into the couch and watch reruns of The Golden Girls on Netflix.

When a person has to force themselves to do something they love to do, it is time for a change.

To make this work, many times artists of all varieties have to wear various hats.

As a musician, most of the time, one gig doesn't pay your have to keep booking them, keep that income streaming...however, this money can be incredibly inconsistent.

I live in a town that I've always felt didn't really get what I'm doing with my music, and I'll say that the popular music in the area differs a bit from what I create, so to help "make ends meet," I spend a lot of time playing acoustic covers of popular songs for dinner services, which is great to help bridge the gap, but again, are not always completely consistent.


Not only have I found incredible community along the way on this platform, I have also found literal supplemental income from posting my various forms of content I'd be creating for free anyway, and that most people wouldn't see.

I'm working toward these goals. These goals seemed lofty for a long time, and they are seeming less lofty now.

Between Steemit and my gigs in real life, I am incredibly close to being freed from the chains of the 9-5 grind.

Steemit = HOPE

Cover image original source (before editing)

Check out @virtualgrowth's post about my Steemit musical history HERE.

Click Here to Join the Steemit Local Music Society on Discord

Follow me @jessamynorchard for more assorted randomness!


This post just inspired us to make this!!! @jessamynorchard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahahaaa awesome huh!

great article Jessamyn! I've actually been trying to convince my guitar teacher and his wife to start posting on STEEMIT as well. You're article is a perfect addition towards that goal! 😊

Awesome!! I think all creators would find such family and community in within this platform.

Good work on the ground-floor f2f marketing to folks who you think would benefit from Steemit, as well!!

I think that's honestly how the quality will continue to increase: folks already on the platform consulting other folks directly who have something special to offer.

Thank you again, and I hope it's helpful!! :)

I'm in the same boat as you and love the site for what it's giving us. I'm not up to a lot per post yet but moving in the right direction. So yes, it's given me hope.

Hope goes a long way. Best of luck to you in the future!!

Saying I relate to this is an understatement. I've been exhausted for years to the point of not even wanting to play music anymore. Being on Steemit these last few weeks has inspired me and I actually feel excited about music and life again.

Right???? I am so glad other people relate to this. I really wanted to get it off my own chest and to just throw it out there, because it has been a real struggle. However, since joining Steemit last October, I've noticed a huge difference in my dedication and accountability in regard to making myself a better musician and creator. All the while, being encouraged by an amazing community who is cheering everyone on definitely helps. It is like a dream.

I've definitely been practicing more that's for sure!
It really is wonderful. I'm so happy I found this place. :)

I admire people that go after their passions regardless of the challenges that they will the end of the day nothing beats that feeling of accomplishment based on the dedicated passion driven choices made...

Absolutely. This is something upon which I regularly reflect. Especially when times feel hard, it's that potential that could come from, as you described, "dedicated passion driven choices..."

You will get there one day as clearly your heart & soul is in the right place, really inspiring! Keep it up :)

I hope you reach all of your goals, and more! As a fellow musician, and dreamer, and artist, I come from a place of deep understanding, and share in your hopes. Rock On!

Thank you so much, @robweese.
We are truly all in this together.

I feel you jessa! The great thing about this community is that it is still getting started! You have still have potential to grow as we all do, and you are def in the right direction. Let's keep working to get out of the chains of our daily soul-sucking 9-5's, hah!

This exactly!!!! I'm all about grinding and hustling it out to make the dream work!

the exhaustive emotional and creative drain I feel when I get home makes me want to do nothing except sink into the couch and watch reruns of The Golden Girls on Netflix.

I do Steemit just so I CAN sink into my couch and watch Golden Girls on Netflix.

I'm wearing a GG shirt today. It has the group photo of the cast and says, "Stay Golden."

God, I love that show.

I wish you the best and I'll follow you but just remember that happiness is not defined by money. Hopefully you do well with steemit but don't let the dollars and cents define yiur happiness. Sad thing is work is work. If you csn make a living doing what you love its great but if not decide whether your happy with your current success or if you would be happier with a more stable job.

I personally prefer a stable job but thats just me.

They say if you love what you do, that you'll never work a day in your life, and while I know that to be untrue, I also know that to me "success" is just being able to pay my bills with my music (and other creative endeavors), and I realize that that path isn't necessarily the most stable...but it's a path I've put a lot of legwork toward, and while taking "the jump" is something that does scare me, I do believe that not jumping in totally can be incredibly detrimental, and I'm almost in a position to make that jump and see if it is possible.

I find that Plan Bs are always great, but people with backups tend to rely on them too heavily and give up too quickly.

I spent a lot of my life chasing stability...and while I like it a lot, I like being a creator more. The trade-off feels worth it, if that makes sense.

But I totally understand your perspective as far as stability and the preference of a regular job. Everyone is different. :)

Thanks for checking out my post and leaving a comment! I hope you find the same hope in Steemit that I have.

I have hope in steemit and myself. I'm glad you know what you want. Good luck.

...also, I hate money.
So, my happiness has nothing to do with that, other than being able to pay my bills out of necessity.

Being able to be creative is absolutely instrumental to who I am as a person, and it definitely helps to define my happiness.

Good for you. I don't care about money much either but I'm a guy with a traditional mindset so I want to be able to provide for those that I love.

I can definitely understand that.

Yay! That's awesome, Jesso! You work hard and genuinely love what you do, so I believe you shall accomplish your goals! I have faith in you!

Thank you so much for your support in all facets, @rockchickjen. It doesn't go unnoticed in the slightest, and I am epically grateful for you and your friendship. Love you.

Love you too!!! I love to see the good, hard working and dedicated people succeed and you go so far beyond that! You deserve it!

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