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RE: The Whale Downvote Experiment-- Some Perspective and the Value of Staying True to Yourself

in #steemit8 years ago

I understand it. That doesn't mean I agree with it or like the consequences it has produced.

"Congrats! You've built a reputation and gained a following! Now we're gonna downvote you because you got upvotes for doing too well in networking socially on the social network!"


It seems like a clumsy and ill conceived attempt at doing something that could be a worthwhile test to find a way to make this truly scaleable, if only it were done properly.

Sometimes it feels like the BIGGEST problem is that we have a "social" platform created by a bunch of developers and blockchainiacs who have no idea what it takes to run a "social" site... trying to interact with a bunch of social bloggers and content creators who have no idea of the functional implementation required to make a platform like this work, in the functional sense of the word.

You can't afford to ignore the human element or the incentives and implicit signals flags add to their decisions.

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