Steemit Meetup In London - The Highlight Of My Blitz Trip

in #steemit7 years ago

I'm on a blitz trip in London these days and, to my pleasant surprise, this trip overlapped with a Steemit meetup in the city of Thames. So, when one of the organizers (who's also a very dear friend of mine), @teodora, told me about it, I was game.

The location was a bit unusual, the Queen of Hoxton, a combination of a London high-profile club with a hippie venue, with large drinking places on a few floors but a totally surprising hippie and colorful teepee area on the terrace (where they were also selling some food). It was still early for a Friday evening in London when we gathered, around 6 PM, so,for a couple of hours we could actually hear each other.

In the picture below: @teodora, @immarojas, @gillianpearce, @bristena94 and a lot of other fine Steemians that I don't know about:


Thank you @redrica for taking the photo (and for being such a nice host).

I have to tell you that I'm impressed by the quality of these meetups and by what Steemit became in such a short time. It's not about the money (but it does matter and it's a constant topic in the conversations we're having at these events) but it's a lot more about people discovery and meaningful interactions.

I want to stress that I have a lot of experience in organizing and hosting events. For more than 4 years, I've been organizing and hosting more than 250 events under the name of Open Connect, where more than 5,000 people attended over time. So I have "an eye" for an event and I can tell you if at least it has some momentum behind it, if not if it will really take off.

And I must tell you that these meetups - at least the one in London - has a lot of potential.

Oh, and that moment when, in order to explain to some potential new members the benefits of the platform, a veteran Steemian opens not the website in his browser, but


I have to tell you that I've been really touched by all the people who not only knew about my project, but also told me they're using it on a regular basis.

Thanks again to all the wonderful people that I met, Loyd, the refreshing guy from Portugal who came to London when he was 9, @nanzo-scoop (nice meeting you, man) and all the other people that I talked to, but can't remember their names.

Steem on!

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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Buna Dragos. Am votat pentru tine ca "witness". Marturisesc ca inca nu inteleg exact ce anume am facut prin asta dar vreau sa invat ! :)
Pe de alta parte, as fi interesat sa particip la un meetUp Steemit. Daca as organiza unul in Luxembourg ai accepta sa fii invitatul nostru de onoare si keynote speaker ? Sa facem un pic de promotie la Steemit in Luxembourg.


Salut, multumesc pentru vot. Daca vrei sa vezi ce face un witness, si de ce e important sa votezi pentru witnesses, uite aici un link

Cat despre invitatia in Luxemburg, ar fi foarte frumos, dar cred ca in momentul asta costurile sunt un pic peste bugetul meu.

Multumesc de link. Unde locuiesti - daca esti in US sau Canada, da, e un pic departe ... Credeam ca esti prin Europa pe undeva

Deocamdata in Romania, dar nu pentru mult timp. Prin "costuri" nu inteleg neaparat costurile financiare, dar si pe cele "de oportunitate". Am un day job destul de solicitant, iar participarea la meetupul din Londra a fost posibila doar pt ca am avut un short break acolo. Altfel, mi-e destul de greu sa ma misc in zilele saptamanii. Iti multumesc inca o data ca te-ai gandit la mine.

Yes it was a fun night and I couldn't believe the amount of people that are eager to talk about steem. Glad that you enjoyed. Hugs

Hugs back :)

Hey @dragosroua it was great that you took the time during your blitz trip in London to meet some fellow steemians and provide value and info during the event, also like you I can see this type of event having alot of potential and I feel it was the people who turned up who really made it great. PS: Its me the Portuguese guy lol.

Nice meeting you, mate, it was fun. I'm definitely game for this thing again, next time I'm in London. Steem on!

Awesome thank you I hope to see you in London in the future sometime then @dragosroua was great chatting. Steeming on!

Dude, it was a pleasure to meet you. I use steemsupply everyday :D
Hope to meet soon again somewhere!

nice meeting you as well, Steem on :)

ah you met my lovely friend @lloyddavis top bloke! :) of course he would be at the london meet! :) looks like you had a great time.

Great to meet you Dragosroua. Who'd have thought when I joined just 7 weeks ago I'd appear in the same photo as the creator of Steem Supply. Pretty amazing. Can't wait to see where the meet-ups go from here!

Thank you, Gillian, it was really a pleasure. Looking forward to more meetups like this one. Hope you got home safe and in time :)

Took me 3 hours but got here in the end! 😍

for a couple of hours we could actually hear each other.
HA! That's why I rarely go out. When I'm with people I like to talk to them. NOT scream myself hoarse to be (somewhat) heard over the 'music'.

A great pleasure to meet you and thank you in person for - come back soon. I run a Friday morning meetup called Tuttle Club, for "people like us" every week. Let me know next time you're in London and I'll give you the details.

Great pleasure as well and thank you for the invitation, I'll surely nudge you when I'm around. Steem on!

Have fun in London, take care of you and you should get used to people who are using on daily basis, it is a great tool!

What an incredible meeting!!! Steemians all over the world!! Let's conquer the earth!! :D

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