The current SteemIt reputation system is NOT a reputation system!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

The current implementation of the reputation system is not about someone's reputation, but in fact just a representation of how much money they made and the amount of money a post made has almost nothing to do with the quality.

Current problem

Right now we CANNOT rely on up-votes and down-votes received (when someone is the author of a post) to accurately estimate that user's reputation, simply because people mainly vote on high earning posts just for the curation rewards. It's been a huge problem since the start!

Temporary solution

A reputation system has to accurately estimate how much you can trust a person to classify content. A good start is to verify content the user has voted on. Since all data on the blockchain is public (except upcoming private messages), you can check how many up-votes and down-votes each post has. So if you filter all posts to "voted on by user", you can calculate the up-vote to down-vote ratio. On top of that your reputation should also increase when you downvote a post that receives more downvotes. This should work the same way as curation rewards. The earlier you spot bad content, the higher your reputation increase should be!

Long-term solutions

I described in detail in one of my earlier posts (SteemIt voting algorithm problems and solutions from a programmer's perspective) how to solve the main problems we have right now. I highly recommend to read it if you are somewhat technical. Until these algorithms have been fixed there is no way we can see any correlation between how much money content made and it's quality!


I am really happy for your work to make steemit more fair to people like me who are not rich(meaning poor as fuck). Thank you. I am following you now.

Yup it's super unfair at the moment.

dont give up yet. currently lot of steem power is redistributed, so this will even more out.
And yes we need a more fair system for new users, so that they are more encouraged.
Im thinking about making an basic income experiment. Everybody that verifies his idendity takes part in the payout. With that we could make steem much more fair!

Frankly, sometimes I wonder if it would not be better to add a random element to it, this is, make it a lottery.

I guess they system has stochastic resonance. At zero random, we get the current circle-jerking. At max random, we would get basically shitposting. But somewhere in between, we could find an ideal balance that maximizes the incentives for quality.

just read the post i referenced for a better implementation and coherence.

great angle! reputation is necessary and it has be correct too!

Right now we CANNOT rely on up-votes and down-votes received (when someone is the author of a post) to accurately estimate that user's reputation, simply because people mainly vote on high earning posts just for the curation rewards.

I agree that people are voting like that, but i don't think the incentive is there to vote like that. For most people it doesn't make sense to vote like that because they don't have enough SP to make a difference. even if you have 5k SP you will make more from sitting there than you can make from voting.

Most people aren't aware of how SteemIt works. I see people mass vote within the first 20 seconds all the time for example.

Yea I agree. maybe you should @ the developers. Doesn't look like your threads getting much attention. I like some of your ideas

I don't know how to contact them. That slack thingy people keep talking about is under maintenance every time i looked.

There's a new chat. It's at I think.

Yeah i'm there, but where do i reach them then? Am i just allowed to PM them? They must get 1000's of PM's a day then.

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