SteemIt content creators should be rewarded based on their reputation

in #steemit8 years ago

Right now (to my knowledge) there are no repercussions for continuously being a bad actor. Bad actors can just keep posting horrible content and once in a while it will become trending and then the user makes a lot of money.

Desired situation:

I suggest that the reward system should also take into account what the reputation of the content creator is (based on the average upvote to downvote ratio of all #steemit entries on the blockchain). This would ensure that bad actors get punished exponentially harder for continued bad behavior. Everyone makes mistakes, but people that purposefully keep copying the work of other creators for example, should make much less than someone with continuous quality content!


What about bots like @wang and @weenis and the like? @wang always hits up the new users that don't know better, and racks up the upvotes that way. As a result he would gain massive reputation as well.

I am aware of that bot and i don't have a problem with him getting rewarded for it. He invested time in programming a bot to help beginners so he should get rewarded. The problem i DO have with it is that it bloats the blockchain. But let's assume some day there will be a FAQ for beginners so his behavior isn't wanted/needed anymore.

I like blockchain bloat to remain low too. Something interesting though: In theory, if the blockchain ever implements a compression algorithm, a copy-pasted message which is -say- 400 bytes and appears 10000 times as a comment, could be brought down to just one instance of it. In general, text is veeeery compressible and repeat instances are extremely compressible.

I've actually been thinking about compression on the blockchain too. I can't believe the developers haven't implemented it. It's SO essential for social media (large pieces of text) compared to just transactions.

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