SteemFest 4 Memories – A Convention or a Piss Up?

in #steemfest5 years ago

I’m back in the UK, and I think my body is telling me, ‘thank fuck for that’, in some kind of way.

After 6 days in Bangkok I never really adjusted to the time zone and once back here I managed the best sleep I have had in days.


I’m not sure if some went for a piss-up and didn’t seem to care about the ideas that we should have been talking about to the people that can make things happen.

Personally, I missed a lot of the presentations only because I was jet-lagged to fuck most of the time and didn't want to be caught snoring by someone next to me.

I missed part of day 2 and the group photograph as I just couldn't hack it and went back to the room for a snooze.


...'@bubke, @goblinknackers and @blocktrades... waiting for his ice cream'...

I went fully prepared to discuss the possibility of a fiat portal with @blocktrades but ended up buying him some rum ‘n raisin ice cream and talking about life in Arizona.

My conversation with @aggroed went well but I was going to suggest that when picking cards for a battle, they could be sorted into mana size to make it easier to choose them.

It didn't happen again, and we ended up talking about when Untamed was going to be released and if the new cards were ready or not. Some final adjustments are being made but they are more or less good to go.


...'look at the glazed look, and that was before the beer started flowing!'...

My five minutes of dialogue with @anomadsoul was about the same as it was in Krakow though I promised myself I would talk more about STEEM and current affairs.

Maybe conventions are piss-ups where your plan about the more serious stuff just goes to shit. While I’m no drinker I did hear some outlandish tales floating back from @goblinknackers about tales from the early hours of the morning involving certain Steemians.

Some things simply cannot be written about and will stay firmly off the blockchain. I truly wish I could join those 4 am beer-drinking outings but alas I would be barfing everywhere and I'm not truly sociable enough to fit into this category of people.


...'someone was showing off with a Lisbon bag, I tried to buy it but they wouldn't sell... bah!'...

Many have produced a day by day account of what happened so I won’t do this. You don’t want to see the same pictures and read the same story from twenty of us right?


I have just shoved all my more general SF4 photography in one big folder named ‘SF4 - Misc Pics’ that I can pick things out of.


The ladies of South East Asia were a hit! I don’t wish to condemn my own brethren from Europe but I find them bubbly, excitable, approachable and always wanting to engage and chat.

@livinguktaiwan, @elizacheng, @travelgirl, @nainaztengra, @joythewanderer and @wanderein I managed to speak to properly this time though there were a few others I would have liked to talk too more.

As with last year, I don't feel I made the most of the event, but unlike last year did better this time.


So thanks ladies for putting me at ease. I think I’m following you all by now and will keep in touch with your antics.

As @pennsif asked for more food pictures, well these are from 'the night of STEEM' which was in an outside location at the bottom of a dark alleyway.



@joythewanderer recommended the 'Spicy Salad with Crispy Fish Mow' but it was a little much for me to take. Her spice level far surpasses mine.


@bingbabe eats this Shrimp paste stuff sometimes and it can stink the house out. I wisely avoided it though it did look appetising.


Chicken / Pork BBQ? Does that mean Chicken on the left and Pork on the right? I'm thinking that its all mixed up and there's no differentiation. Those skewers were nothing short of amazing.

Apologies if you as the reader are completely tired of SteemFest 4 blogs. I think you have several more days of it yet. I know I have lots more but it will be directed into topics such as #travel, #tasteem and #urbex going forward.



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Drooling Maniac.JPG


Sounds like you made some good relationships where you can develop some of your ideas now that you are home. Glad you had some convivial company 😍

A lot happened, and there was much merrymaking to be had. At 150 people you might think there was time to talk to everyone. Not so at all.

It was really nice to meet you @slobberchops even though there wasn't much time for properly serious conversations.

I find the round table discussions were fascinating though I had to run off for a while to find my other fellow family members.

I am sorry to hear you were unable to overcome the jetlag but I think this happens when you fly from West to East.

I had the same problem while returning from Europe and that was only 3 weeks each trip.

Hope you'll feel much better now you are back home sweet home.

And regarding the daily posts, I agree with @livinguktaiwan that everyone has their own story to tell from different angles.

As for your serious planned conversations

And I definitely will look forward to read more of your posts especially from fiat to steem conversion.

(if it is even possible to track, because I have been wondering heck a lot how to integrate in a way when one fiât service provider provides a reference number, somehow there is a way to pick up and update into the chain)

from fiat to steem conversion.

This was something I wanted to bring up.. but it never happened. Ice cream took priority!

Buying STEEM I can do in around 5 minutes. Selling it and adding the value back to my bank account is not straight-forward. There needs to be more simple ways to do both.

Was great meeting you too!

Many have produced a day by day account of what happened so I won’t do this. You don’t want to see the same pictures and read the same story from twenty of us right?

I'm pretty sure we all have a different story to tell, right now I'm still seeing photos I haven't seen before and posts from authors name that I don't recognise. I thought even if i hadn't met everyone then at least I would have seen the name tag passing by. Must work harder at networking next year as like you I didn't want people to think I had any ulterior motive 😅

Glad to hear you made to safe and sound back to lovely England!!

Oh there were loads I didn't talk too. You might think it to be a small community but I saw so many name tags that I didn't recognise.

Up until the day I came back I was scanning the #steemfest tag and sending votes to anyone using it (who was obviously there).

It's all getting back to normal now and I'm sure some are now sick to the teeth of SF4 content.

Glad to hear you made to safe and sound back to lovely England!!

Thanks, you will be glad to know that it's pissing down here, not a lot changes hehe...

Maybe those relationships you made are the foundation for future conversations.

Sometimes bonding comes before business.

There were some big players at SF4, I thought after last year I would be OK to walk up to anyone and say hello.. but that is not always the case.

Sometimes it's good to just say, 'thanks for all you have done for the blockchain'.... No ulterior motive attached.

Maybe next year I will get to that level.

Haha, had the similar experience all that days.

But a !BEER helped always a bit to come to "normal" level. ;-)

Glad you are back safe and sound.

And thanks for the food pics.

Those are some of the food pics from just one location. I think the food at the bowling place was the best event of all.

I mentioned to @roelandp on the final night that I figured on the whole, the food provided at this SF was better than last year. Being in Thailand that's not a surprise.

Will you be doing any @tasteem reports?

I have at least FOUR. One of them has not got at English name so that one I'm not sure about!

Maybe ask @waybeyondpadthai - she might be able to supply the English name.

Look at all the fun you missed! 😜

Posted using Partiko Android

Hopefully SteemFest will make it to the UK one day...

If that is the case STEEM will really need to moon because MYR vs Pound is almost x6 😢

Glad you had at least a bit of fun. Too bad you weren't feeling that great.

Oh it's just age catching up. We are not built to last are we?

I will sell all my swag if I get good prices! Can I get bidding war? I have been posting like a fool and lots of it is food. The serious stuff has not even come yet. And I have a lot of stories for your #reallife (?) tag. This was a work fest for me, @slobberchops. So glad you were one of the people I met, and not one of the many I did not!

Have you got a SF1? T-shirt? Could fetch $100 on the used clothing market?!

I wish! I was not even here then, sadly.

Iloooove the food pictures...thanks for sharing, i hope to attend SF5

Hope you can experience a SteemFest. They are intense but worth the effort.

Great to meet you. I was definitely pacing myself too. There's a balance between the social and informational sides to these things.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great to meet you.

Likewise! Hows the north, any cooler than Bangkok?

I'm much further north now, back in west China. Much much cooler here. Almost cold after Thailand.

Posted using Partiko Android

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