I am Sorry

Sometimes it is really difficult creating content as you have to put your mind and brain to good use.
One lesson I have learnt so far from the Steem block chain as a Blogger is that Blogging could be a full time profession and thus, shouldn't be abuse by constant posting and publishing articles without citing sources or unnecessarily plagiarizing. Consistent and random post which aren't original is wrong and could tarnish one's profile.

I want to use this avenue to apologize to Steem Cleaner and Cheetah for failing to site sources to some of my publications on this platform. I am deeply sorry and sincerely apologize for my gross misconduct.
I assure you such act will never reoccur again.

images (22).jpeg

Thank you in anticipation of your kind gesture
I got the message from this post

Thank you @cheetah, @steemcleaners and @patrice for clarifying me on this.

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