
Hi everyone,happy weekend to you all. I will be discussing the topic Standing out from the crowd. In our daily lives,we just need to single ourselves out from people or things that will not favour us. We all need success,so we should not be found where there is no progress about it.


To stand out simply means to be prominent or to refuse to yield. As we move along in this Christian race,it is expedient for us to refuse to yield to pressures that will turn our heart away from the Lord. There is need to be prominent in anything we do,whether physical or spiritual. We must have a positive mark on this generation.

Being prominent in any situation requires boldness. Proverbs 28:1b says "but the righteous are as bold as a lion." I strongly believe that the three Hebrew brethren:Shedrach,Meshach and Abednego were men of great courage. These guys were not intimidated by many people who bowed down for the golden image made by Nebuchadnezzar, neither were they disturbed by the burning fiery furnace. They stood out from the crowd and refused to compromise their faith. These young men have been taught not to bow down for any other god except Jehovah God. It does not matter where they are,the commandment of God must be kept.

The same rule apply to us today,we must be bold and stand out in any situation. Say no to compromise.

In order to stand out,it is important we pursue our goals. Today,we often refer to king Solomon as a man of wisdom but before he was endowed with wisdom,he sought the face of the Lord. After he was made the king,he went to Gibeon to spend some time with the Lord and offer sacrifices to Him. The Lord told him in 1kings 3:5 "Ask what I shall give thee." and he asked for wisdom which the Lord gave him. Eight years old was Josiah when he began to reign in Israel. But this little boy stood out amongst the various kings that ruled the land of Israel. During his reign,all the altars of Baalim were broken down. He also destroyed carved images and groves where the children of Israel worshipped idols. This young boy took away all the abomination in Israel and made all that was there to serve God. This man stood out as a king in Israel. Although he became a king at the age of eight,he sought the Lord and walked in His ways. It does not really matter whether we are young or old,the most important thing is to stand out in everything we do.

Paul wrote to Timothy in 1Tim 4:12 "Let no one despise or think less of you because of your Youth,but be an example for the believers in speech,in conduct,in love,in faith and in purity." What Paul is actually telling Timothy is to stand out in all virtues listed above.

Don't let anyone despise you because you are young. Timothy was in actual fact a prominent fellow in the Bible. You must stand out from the crowd and be a shining example.

Remember,"success has many fathers but failure is an orphan and nobody wants to associate with a failure."
STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD. Thanks for reading


To stand up from the crowd is not easy thing, but through hardworking and God nothing is impossible

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