Everything that is born of God overcomes the world

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Everything that is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has defeated the world, our faith. " 1 John 5: 4


The seed of God is grafted onto everyone who receives Jesus as Lord and personal Savior. From that moment on we experience a new spiritual birth (2 Corinthians 5:17). We enter, then, to enjoy the power of the spiritual life that Christ provides. Sin no longer lords in our lives (Romans 6:14), because Christ appeared to take away our sins (1 John 3: 5). And the same new nature received from God reproves us for not sinning. 1 John 3: 6 says: "Everyone who abides in Him does not sin; Everyone who sins has not seen him or known him. " And add 1 John 3: 9: "Everyone who is born of God, does not practice sin, because the seed of God abides in him, and can not sin, because he is born of God."

The above does not mean that the believer is immune to sin, but that he is not indulgent with sin, that he is not pleased with sin, and even more that he abhors sin. The believer does not deliberately sin. This is so because together with the moral, ethical and spiritual demands received as a mandate, the believer has received divine power to fulfill them, and not to sin. God has promised that if we abide in Him, victory will be assured.

The world offers pleasures, delights and recognition with which the believer can be seduced; These are used by Satan to tempt the believer and try to remove him from the path of faith and make him fall. In the world the believer experiences pains, perplexities, frustrations, disappointments, defeats and failures. Like the believer Jesus, he also experienced many of those things, but in the end he won. That is the promise that Jesus made to his followers: "... in the world you will have affliction; But trust, I have overcome the world "(John 16:33). No matter the adversities, temptations, trials and difficulties, the believer has the irrevocable and indestructible hope of the final victory. That victory comes from the exercise of faith in the work that Christ did and in the victory that He already obtained ... "and this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith" (1 John 5: 4).


We may sometimes feel the pressure of the world, as well as our own carnal nature that rebels against the desire to please God and fulfill his commands. It may take some time to walk firmly in the new spiritual life. It takes time to master the old habits of the past life, and we may experience frustration at some moments of our walk with God, but be patient, God is working with us. The day will come when we will realize that truly "the Lord has done great things for us" (Psalm 126: 3).

Let us learn to rest in the fact that God dwells in us. That fact gives us tremendous power to face and defeat the world and Satan. Remember that "greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world" (1 John 4: 4).

God bless you.


This birth reveals the eyes. We see things as they are. We are free to obey with joy.

Resteem by: EC

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Thanks for you commentig dear SteemChurch

Jesus gave us a clue to how we can survive in this hostile world: “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Posted using Partiko Android

Amen and thanks for comment brother.

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