in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


The story of the ship called "THE TITANIC" which sank with about 1500 great souls of Europe on April 15th 1912, is very common. What is not common however is the fact that the ** TITANIC BAND PLAYED AND ENTERTAINED THE SHIP OCCUPANTS EVEN AS THE SHIP WAS SINKING!** that means they sang to their graves in that cold sea!

In 2013, the violin which was used to play the parting song , was rediscovered and it was sold for 1.9 million pounds! The instrument, which is cracked, water-stained and only has two strings left, is said to have belonged to Wallace Hartley, whose band continued to play the famous hyme "NEARER, MY GOD, TO THEE"


As the ship got filled with water. It was thought the violin had been lost to the sea when Hartley and the rest of his band drowned along with 1,500 others on April 15, 1912. Within minutes of the strinking an iceberg, Hartley was instructed to assemble his musicians to play to maintain calm. They performed on the boat deck while the passengers lined up for the lifeboats. When Hartley's body was discovered, he was found with the violin strapped to his body in his leather bag.

Oh, what a lesson on tenacity, never giving up and holding on till the end. When life seems to be hard on you, can you still sing?

When prayer answers seem to delay and danger looms ahead, can you still lift your voice and sing?

When you are tempted to quit on your goals, will you seek for a short-cut?

Just imagine that the titanic band was playing even in the face of danger and perplexity! They would have allowed depression and fear to swallow them up! David said in psalm 42:3 "My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto, Where is thy God?" But in verse 5, he proclaimed to the circumstances confronting him: "Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: For I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance."

So he determined to praise God and allow a cheerful spirit even when hope seem lost! You must do the same and let the devil know that he will not see your tears nor group you amongst the depressed again! Laugh often and don't compare yourself to everyone around you because you 're Designer's Original! Hear Stanley Jones: "Faith is not merely you holding to God-it is God holding you." An invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the great distinction between great men and little men (Thomas Fuller). Close with Lance Armstrong: "Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If i quit, however, it lasts forever"

Refuse to weep! Laugh at problems! Don't quit!


1.There is singing up in heaven such as we have never known
Where the angels sing praises of the Lamb upon the throne
There sweet harps are ever tuneful and their voices always clear
Oh, that we might be more like them while we serve the Master here

Holy, holy, is what the angels sing
And I expect to help them make the courts of heaven sing
But when I sing redemption’s story, they will fold their wings
For the angels never felt the joys that our salvation brings

2.But I hear another anthem, blending voices clear and strong
“Unto Him who hath redeem’d us and hath bought us” is the song
We have come thro’ tribulations to this land so fair and bright
In the fountain freely flowing he hath made our garment white


Thanks @yinkaknl for this amazing feedback
I appreciate

I learnt some really great lessons from this.
When you feel like giving up, you are missing out on what God has to offer.
Like the Bible said in Isaiah 41vs 10 "So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Do not give up on God no matter the situation because he always got your back and he'll always answer when you call.

Thanks for this wonderful feedback @kingeazi
He (God) said that we should be still and know that His our God....He will be our God forever..
Through all mountains and storms....that He will prove to us that His our God.

This was well written @joagwu
One of my famous song says "Hold on".
Even in the face of tribulations we just need a little more patience .

Thanks for sharing this

Warm regards


Thanks @owoblow-steemit for stopping by
Yes, we need to hold more time.

Only those who trust in the lord will always win in all situations. Every body must die but only those who trust in the lord will live forever.
Our concern should always be focussed on the paths of the living God and it should be directed towards doing things for those who don't have.
God has given us power to always preach his word and follow his parts which will lead us to the parts of righteousness.
We should love our self .
We should extend our live to christ because he is always there to save us from all our weakness hr is the alpha and the omega .
Come to him any time you have sinned and fine contrary to his will .
He is always ready to accept you any time

Yes you are right
His hands are wide open.....for all to enter
Thanks @izuchukwu1506 for visiting

When the ship got filled with water. It was thought the violin had been lost to the sea when Hartley and the rest of his band drowned along with 1,500 others on April 15, 1912. Within minutes of the strinking an iceberg, Hartley was instructed to assemble his musicians to play to maintain calm. They performed on the boat deck while the passengers lined up for the lifeboats. When Hartley's body was discovered, he was found with the violin strapped to his body in his leather bag. Oh, what a lesson on tenacity, never giving up and holding on till the end. When life seems to be hard on you, can you still sing? When prayer answers seem to delay and danger looms ahead, can you still lift your voice and sing? When you are tempted to quit on your goals, will you seek for a short-cut?
Just imagine that the titanic band was playing even in the face of danger and perplexity! They would have allowed depression and fear to swallow them up. You must do the same and let the devil know that he will not see your tears nor group you amongst the depressed again! Laugh often and don't compare yourself to everyone around you because you 're Designer's Original! Hear Stanley Jones: "Faith is not merely you holding to God-it is God holding you." An invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the great distinction between great men and little men.

Thanks @iboiosi for stopping by

Nice and insightful post, God is too faithful to fail, but it takes someone who has faith to recognize this, wonderful resilience from, to have maintained calm even at the face of danger.

Yes you are right
It's not easy but we ought to learn to have faith and trust our Lord totally
Thanks @ighobanga for stopping by


So he determined to praise God and allow a cheerful spirit even when hope seem lost! You must do the same and let the devil know that he will not see your tears nor group you amongst the depressed again!

Very nice post, when Jesus is for us, the devil will never get any open chance to attack us. Thanks for sharing this post, God bless you more.

Thanks @paskoloo for visiting

I'm so touched by this post.
This story has been a very surprising story for me ever since i watched the movie, don't ever joke with God.
The people that played in the ship even when it was sinking were so committed, they played to their death.
That's how good Christians are supposed to be, you don't give up as a Christian, no matter the struggle, situation, always be happy, be positive and see God doing things for you.
I learnt alot from the Titanic story.
Thanks for sharing with us all, I really appreciate this post of yours.

Thanks @kparobo for your kind feedback....i appreciate

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