in #steemchurch6 years ago

There is no family History that God cannot turnaround.

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3.


Getting the best out of life may require probing into ones family history. This is because of inherited problems and evil trend that may be running in the family. Until such problems are diagnosed and established, providing solution may be difficult. In cases where evil trend such as failures, sudden death, late marriages and delay in child bearing is discovered, necessary spiritual ministrations are recommended. Should you require any of such ministrations, seek the help of your pastor or spiritual leader.

The Bible is filled with so many cases where unpleasant and evil trends runs in the family. For example, delay in child-bearing is noticed in the family of Abraham.

First, in Genesis 11:30, we read that:

Sarai was barren; she had no child. It took God's intervention to break the yoke. She eventually had a child for Abraham at an old age.

Secondly, Issac the only son of Sarah also had the same problem of delay in child-bearing. In Genesis 25:21, the Bible states

And Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife, because she was barren...

Again it took God's intervention for Rebekah the wife of Isaac to give birth to Esau and Jacob.

Thirdly, Rachael, the favourite wife of Jacob was also barren. In Genesis 30:1, we are told, and when Rachael saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachael envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, give me children, or else I die.


There are other cases of people who suffered what their parents suffered. For some, the names they bore seem to be the cause of their problem.
Laban's name means foolishness, and it was the same foolishness that destroyed him. Moses name means (for i drew him out of water). He became famous on account of water - the crossing of the red Sea. Sadly, he also ran into trouble on the account of water when he struck the rock to bring water out for the children of Israel, contrary God's commandment. God had told him to speak to the rock.

The issue of the name one is called is so serious that God had to change the name of some people in the scripture. For example, He changed Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Jacob to Israel and Saul to Paul.

You must not be afraid to probe into your family history if you have any reason to do so. Looking for whom to blame should not be your interest. Rather, find out if there is anything out of the ordinary that is working against you. Pray against such things. Take authority in the name of Jesus. Cancel every negative trend. Be determined to break any yoke that you notice. Seek counsel and go for deliverance ministration where necessary.

Your victory is sure. You will not suffer what anyone in your family had suffered or still suffering. As a child of God, your case is different. Nothing will stop you.


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You are right friend , names are very powerful in mankind's life and sometimes determine their destiny

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