How to disciple the Children

in #steemchurch6 years ago


In the family environment, parents have the responsibility to reach the next generations and pass on the great legacy, which is Jesus Christ. The main objective is to make children feel the love of God and that they can transmit to others in the form of gratitude.

This is the principle of discipleship, the transference of the life of God. If for the spiritual children it is already a challenge, imagine for the biological children? So, how to get to disciple the children of our house?

  1. Teach and instruct the Word of God to the children (Proverbs 22.6). It is important to invest in knowledge and "inculcate" the Word in the minds of the children. This is the right way to wash your mind of what is bad.

  2. Try to gather the whole family to the table during meals.

  3. Accompany the children when they go to watch movies, drawings or use the Internet and the cell phone. Teach them what is convenient and what is not pleasant in the eyes. Monitor and pay attention. See who they talk to, what they are talking about and have free access to the movement of their children.

  4. Practice domestic worship. The worship at home should be something short, objective, but intentional, with the purpose of speaking about the Word of God. Depending on the age, if they are children, do staging of Bible stories; if they are young, talk about verses or chapters of the Bible, and from that Word want teachings.

  5. Mark discipleship with the children. If the child is a teenager and a cell leader, he can have a ministerial discipler; however, the personal disciplers of the children are the parents. Mark the day and time to happen, and do not forget to turn off the phone while doing discipleship. Also do not allow your child to answer calls at that time.

  6. Pay attention to the friendships of the children. The house should be a place where children have pleasure and joy in taking their friends. Open your house to receive them. This is an opportunity to get to know each one personally and know their intentions.

  7. Be cheerful and loving. When parents live mumbling or are always bored, they discourage their children. When leaving home, they must be fed by an atmosphere of faith, love and joy.

  8. Before leaving home, pray with them along the way. For example, when you are ready to go to school, take the opportunity to ask for the Lord's direction while you are away from home. Did you already imagine your son winning a roommate for Jesus? This can happen when parents have the practice of praying during their children's journey.

  9. Before going to sleep, pray with the children. Here the parents should ask that the children can have a good rest and that at dawn, they wake up with the joy of Jesus.


Most parents strive to be good providers, as we are taught in (1 Timothy 5.8). But God wants parents to provide much more than the basic needs of a physical life. He wants us to be able to bring spiritual food to the children so that they lead a correct life, and produce eternal life as a result.



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