
Hehe, glad I got your attention.
Alagart is originally my character, but along the way my friend came up with the idea of a twin brother called Traigart. She also made something like a family portrait of them (Al can transform into a creature with wings, but is twin bro turns into a snow leopard and is sooo fluffy). You can see it here (she's very talented, btw): Stronger Together

That’s a very nice artwork of your friend!
And it’s so cute that you made a great collab together, both contributing to the story and art :). Do you plan together when writing the characters stories or it just happens in an impromptu?

Thank you, Scrawly. ^.^ We spend some time planning the big picture (the whole story), but the details are born when start writing. I don't know if I ever shared this, but we write one paragraph each, one after another alternating. We're so used to this technique that I sometimes forget which paragraph I wrote. XD

Ahhh this is the best! So fun!!! <3

Are you going to publish the story when it's done? Or it's something that you make for personal purpose only?

We created the first book called Inexpricit: Inner Horizons back in 2011 as a diploma project for our Bachelor's degree. But judges weren't very pleased with it and I lost my motivation for publishing the final draft. We still write different stories even today, just for fun tho'. I wish to see it published one day. ^.^

A diploma project?! That's really something, too bad the judges were being snooty and cold fish about it. I'm glad you still keep at it though. And I know you will publish it one day for sure! :D

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