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RE: Warning to vote buyer/sellers! - Introducing GrumpyCompliance, mandatory in 14 days. (No more post-promotion allowed past 3.5 days)

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Yeah you see displayed right in front of you...when you're really successful, people attack you and your business. I don't know but it could explain his business rating....not my concern. All the allegations against myself and haejin are false, and you stand by your boy..... and then this:
He's right, you should hold yourself to a higher standard, but it's very obvious the boys club doesn't want any competition. You're being singled out because you're a witness here, not because of your account size or influence. Just so we are're a target because you backed BS and his unwarranted claims of bot votes, that's what got allllllll this started.....and he lied about the payout, or didn't care to get it right before posting and making 10k off the post. And you supported it, and then went on to mock those who were attacked by another witness with no evidence for his claims. THAT is why you are targeted. Don't feel sorry for yourself or your account size, that has nothing to do with it. It's like I said man, walk straight or stand by your garbage fire friend, but don't feel sorry for are the only reason you are being targeted. Get your little crew under control, and knock this shit off before everybody suffers more.

Disagree with payouts....fine. Lie about how the payouts come and profit off of those lies.....not ok.

And let's be real, Haejin was doing this for pennies for months before he garnered this's not ONE person voting him. It's hundreds to thousands.....don't like it, flag it, but don't do what yall did and continue to support those actions.

OHH JESUS, I just reread that, and saw you think they are bots also.....?? Good god yall are dense. We run ads and have websites, and use multiple's good planning, get over it. And I don't want to hear one damn thing about bots when you stand by the bot master who OBVIOUSLY wants to hurt people trying to do their best.


I can't believe you think they are bots also......cheese and rice man, get a grip. I thought you would be smarter than that. Too much koolaid for you I guess.

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