An Open Letter to Tone Vays: You're right!

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Hi Tone,
I watched your recent debate with Jeff Berwick. I may be the wrong person to be writing an opinion piece on your interview because I learned everything I know about cryptocurrency in the past month. I dare not comment a single iota about the depth and accuracy of your knowledge of such systems… However, I know people.

You were right! You were so right when you conceded that Steemit is fascinating! That’s my favorite part of the video! I liked it so much I made my own mashup of the debate!

I also know a bias when I see one. I couldn’t help but notice how you entered into the Steem Whitepaper with a suspicion of an awaiting disaster.

I don’t mind, though, none of that matters. I’m biased too! I’m biased because I’ve spent the past month on Steemit making great friends, talking with amazing, smart people (some of whom I didn’t agree with!). I’ve had my creativity challenged, and my mind expanded as I work to keep up with all the intelligent debate. I’m learning how to mine and how to solve crypto-puzzles. Thanks to the discussions on Steemit, I bought my first fraction of a Bitcoin! I’ve even made a few bucks, sharing what I love with the world!

When I hear you talk about Steemit, I don’t think you consider these kinds of interactions and their intrinsic value! You are right it’s not perfect. If you catch me in the wrong mood in the chat room, I’ll be the first to bemoan the many problems. But Steemit is new! I’ve noticed the changes from week to week. The next 6 months will be an incredible ride. Come along!

I encourage you to come join us. You haven’t burned your bridges, I promise! Steemit isn’t a closed system, and there is plenty of room for different points of view. Your perspective would be refreshing and valuable for every system needs its critics to make it better!

I challenge you to give us a month of your time. It requires no down payment. You won’t have to power up, I promise. Write a few posts and engage with the users of Steemit. After that month is up, I’d encourage you to have another chat with Jeff and let us know if you feel differently.


many blessings and all credit to @dollarvigilante for the original video, that I gently massaged to make a point


@tone-vays make a post on steemit and I bet you will make over $5000
Even if you make a post against steemit!


Can you show me some examples of posts that oppose Steemit which were successful?

tone vays would definitely change his views when he gets to interact with the community.

or maybe he won't! But at least he'll be informed!

why? If he posted anonomously he would be likely to be ignored.

Not saying anything bad about Tone and please don't hate Tone for this: But I've watched all of the Steemit related videos Tone makes an appearance in, and the conclusion is: Tone has something against Dan, he love's steemit, but he's got some weird problem with Dan?! What? Tone why?

The next 6 months will be an incredible ride

Yeah they will, but we are hitting it big already! :))
Fun Facts from my last post:

  • May 23rd Steemit had 1360 Users
  • August 23rd Steemit has 73.200 and counting!

many people in bitcoin dislike dan because he was never afraid to say precisely the problems bitcoin would have to overcome. when he chose to "recreate the wheel" as many of his opponents said, he did so away from mining because mining is ultimately a game that turns into what most call a "hashocracy" (basically a technocracy with the new Elite being the ones who have the most hash power---aka burning energy needlessly). In addition he worked to fix the bitcoin transaction volume problems (and achieved this as steem proves). to add to it, he threatened all miners with the thought that maybe their little game would be up by making it so bitshares required stakeholders to VOTE for the people who could sign blocks and earn tokens in the network. mean no more free money without proving I provide value to the largest stakeholders?!

add to this he built separations of power into this and added the final part of the puzzle---smartcoins that roughly track the value of various real world assets, but with a free market mechanism that protects holders from 3rd parties, and lets say he pissed alot of people off.

If you want you can hear nearly 3 years of dan larimer talking about all these things by listening to the beyondbitcoin hangouts :)

Now with that said...he is proving many people he knows wtf he is doing ...but now steem has made the community who realizes his brilliance MUCH larger---so it is starting to become obvious that some people in bitcoin hate dan so much they are willing to tell lies about him to hurt his reputation in hope it will keep him from succeeding at fixing what he has identified.

So naturally the steem community is large enough to defend itself. I am so thankful for that because the bitshares community has suffered from all this hatred, lies, media blackouts/rackets but didn't have enough people looking at us to defend us from all of it. Looks like from the responses tone gets though that FUD is starting to make people wonder about FUDders intentions and are beginning to see obvious biases that should be acknowledged by media personalities (at least imho). mean no more free money without proving I provide value to the largest stakeholders?!

Well to be fair, witnesses are currently making tons of free money (~1500 STEEM per day per person, currently USD 1600+ per day) without proving they provide value to the stakeholders. Half of them aren't doing anything extra other than running a node, and don't even bother providing updates to Clains weekly witness report. This is as close as it gets to fictitious jobs paid off of the dilution of everyone's stake.

This is explaining so much that I did not know yet, but now the puzzle is complete. Thank you for these insights that should be out in the open.

Thank you so much for the great reply, I understand now! I should've understood that earlier, but lack of information was the problem, again thank you so much!

Based on glancing at Tone's Twitter feed, he doesn't like Bitcoin either, so I guess it follows that he doesn't like any cryptocurrency.

He doesn't like the fact that Dan has had some sort of failure in his past. I don't know what, and don't care. Humans fail, fail and fail before they find what works. Its how we learn. Most importantly is that we try, try, try again. Whatever the failure may have been, be grateful for it, it gives Steemit better odds.

I doubt he will. He is blinded by his religious belief (in bitcoin).

That's okay. If he wants to continue his belief after interacting with us for a month, so be it! At least it will come from a place of experience!

Here we are finally! :)

saw where someone sent it to Tone on Twitter. He seemed rather uneffected.

I shared it with him and he liked it!

I'm sure that he will be part of steemit sooner than later

Ah, very well done! I love this inclusive attitude.

Thanks, Luke!

@ned upvoted. The rest doesn't count.

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