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RE: "I Got Downvoted!?! It's Not Fair! Can You Help Me???"

in #steem6 years ago

I do not have a code solution to offer you.

And that's the problem. Many say "Look, this thing is broken!" without bringing any solutions. This is a blockchain. That's the reality. Until we change the rules of the chain with code, reality doesn't change. I never denied people get harmed by bad actors. I don't yet know of any code changes which would make that any better. Therefore, it is reality right now. Accepting reality is the best thing we can do.

Bricks can be used to build houses or break windows.
Cars can be used to get us around or run people over.

Blaming an object for how it is used makes no sense. If we can improve the object (make cars safer, etc) then let's do it! Pointing out that we have to live with cars and bricks as they exist right now and adjust our expectations accordingly doesn't mean those things aren't used by bullies.

The answer, IMO, isn't to ban bricks and cars (or downvotes).


Thank you for blaming me for not having a solution. I wish you the best.

It’s easy to complain. Hard to solve problems. I’m not blaming you, just holding you to a higher standard of bringing solutions, not just problems. I wish you the best as well. The very best.

Hopefully we can revisit this conversation in the future and evaluate whatever solutions have come up and if they are working or not to improve on the problems you and I both understand.

??? Code Change, it's by design. Who are those bullies?

I bet, they are not these thousands of newcomers, that came, saw, and run for their lives...

Its the 1% on the steem blockchain, right?

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