Is possiable to make over .25 a post on steem ???

in #steem6 years ago


Well you would think it would be easier to make money on steem by replying to other peoples blogs and writing your own content now that steem is over $7.00, but I have observed the total opposite. I was able to make more back in June when steem was $.75 than I could with steem being $3, $4, $7. Is this due to a paradigm shift that has occurred on steem in the last few months? Or with the rise in the price, has steem become more of a store of value then content creation medium?

For the most part it seems like no one is getting up-votes from a third parties anymore - which is really sad and furthermore detrimental to the entire framework that steem is built on. If we continue this downward trend where content has no value, I do not see the steem model being sustainable for that long. I always dreamed that steem would replace youtube, but that will never happen unless steem holders are willing to part with their up-vote power, in return for the content they are consuming. There is a lot of great content out there on steem at the moment, it just sad that most of the voting power is going to a select few who provide little to no value to the overall ecosystem.


Yes! It's possiable! Anything is possiable when you put your mind too it! So many possiabilities here!

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I keep on trying new things, nothing has really clicked yet. I guess I will keep trying for now.

Alright. So, I said possiable on purpose. You made a big mistake in your headline. It says possiable instead of possible. We all make mistakes. We also fix them. That mistake right there could be enough to turn people away. Since I'm weird and enjoy things I find funny, I came here to make a lighthearted comment about the situation.

Also. A post like this will attract others who are struggling. You won't find too many big votes that way.

I've only been here 2 days and I'm getting that feeling already i see 5-6 people posting literal BS and getting 100$ of dollars while honest to god content gets at best a few dollars if that. Ill stick around for awhile, I've been looking for a place to post artist profiles and art history blogs so i can get some writing practice. I feel like alot of this is coming to a head anyhow.

Keep on trying, that's all I could recommend. I spent thousands of hours on here only to make 200 steem over 6 months :(((( I suck. Some people do that in one post.

LOL id love to get a few dollars. I been here for 5 hours today and maybe brought in $1.50
My GTX970 made me 7X what steem did today and its just sitting there mining lol. I am such a failure

your hilarious ... you should take up stand up, It would take you 20 years but I bet you wouldn't fail.

me and you should become the loser squad.

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