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RE: Thinking of Tokenizing

in #steem6 years ago

I have the right to think is a useless coin factory at this stage. From your writing is very noticeable that you not on the same page of my thinking.

That is the beauty of this chain is to be open-minded and accept the opinion of others without judging, have a great Sunday. :)


No, you are not entitled to your opinion.

Seriously though, your opinion is based on what?

Tell me what technical knowledge you're sitting on that makes you think that SteemEngine coins are garbage while SMT coins are golden.

I'm ready to learn. Teach me.

Maybe the product will work in the near future but in the current stage, you can't do anything with a token created on SteemEngine that possess no value. You can't trade it, I can't purchase a coffee as an example, it is only a useless coin in a smart contract off chain of the main chain.


I can't buy a coffee with it.

You are like straight out of the cookie cutter handbook it's amazing.

I've been rewatching King of the Hill and there is an episode Where they use Bill to make a bunch of money because he is a representation of the average consumer. Perhaps I've been going about this all wrong.

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