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RE: Review of "Steem 0.17 Change Proposal Introduction"

in #steem8 years ago

I read those comments and made comments near you there -- so I am glad you did this post as a follow up - it will gather comments now in multiple places for data and improvement.

I say again -- Views = Value for me!


Yeah, I agree, can't reply there. Comments are real engagement. Views are also an engagement indicator of reading,but it only really says they opened the page. And upvotes, well, we know how unreliable those are as an indicator as to who actually reads a post.

Comments are the measure of most active engagement when they reflect relevancy to the topics or content at hand, be it art, photo or what not. If people get more involved in valuing comments by actually upvoting them... then comment will draw more interest from people to comment because they will see people are upvoting them instead of just posts. It's behavior of upvoters that needs to change :) Thanks for the feedback.

Edit: And over the past few days, I have been rewarding commenters with 100% upvote to encourage it, and then back down on power after it drops a lot.

I appreciated that feedback on everything there.

Without the views -- you cannot even get to the comment part, so they do go hand in hand but if you are motivated enough to view a post...... it does not always translate to comments

I have headaches as usual again, so I just signed in quick to post something on my Bitcoin chart Canada update and do a couple emails, signing out now -- have a good nite my man.

TY for the detail and UV in the comments too -- you are actually putting your money where your mouth is, that is cool.

Yes, views are very important!

They are likely the best metric. (Overall)

I agree (together with the comments). This tells you exactly how many reads on top of voting :)


Nice to hear from you. Thanks.

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