I am very happy to try out kafio's analysis-tool.
I am very happy to try this tool. Now I am very sorry that I did not try this tool earlier. I thought it would be a difficult task but it was very easy and I am very happy to see my weekly performance. After opening this tool, I have taken some screenshots of it which I am going to share with you. I hope I have tried this tool properly.
And I am most happy to see this.
I thought I would not be able to meet the comment target this week but my performance has been good this week too.
What you see here are ONLY the comments given to posts using the hashtag you used to search which is in this case: ????? you did not mention it in your review.
Also a comment with a wordcount of 50+ is asked which this tool can not show.
I assume you commented more? You can your comments check in your account and this has to be done manual. And if you want to check on the minimum of words it's even more work since you have to open comment by comment and count.
thank you for the review