How long can the sportstalk social platform survive/sportstalksocial平台还能存活多久

in #sportstalk5 years ago

Sporttstalk social, as a social platform based on STEEM block chain, experienced strong winds and waves when it first came online, and the currency price dropped directly from 7STEEMP to the bottom. It's just a bug that makes some people think they're smart.

As the saying goes, "It's not too late to make up for lost sheep." The founder spent several days repairing the BUG that almost destroyed the sportstalk social platform, but the price of SPORTS has since begun a long, sluggish journey.

I prefer this sports platform. I am a sports enthusiast myself. It would be great to have such a platform to convey sports spirit to you. By the way, you can earn a good salary by writing carefully.

SCOT platform has changed the limitations of steem social platform. It is no longer so difficult to earn STEEM, just need you to be diligent. Right platform, right time, right local law, right attitude.


Now it's the second half of 2019. From August onwards, sportstalk social's sportsmanship still exists, but the price is not so good. From Seem Engine, we can see that, towards the end of August, the price has begun to decline gradually, and the current price is 0.00071.

This price is really low enough. If the price is lower, how long can the sportstalk social platform survive?

Some people say that a month, some people say that half a year, tomorrow will hang up... At present, the value of SPORTS may only support the development of the entire platform, some people come to sportstalk social in order to earn money, some people come here for sports.

And I have both, after all, to live, the spiritual world always needs the material world as the basis for support.
No matter what kind of platform, the number of users is quite important. The number of users directly affects the development and direction of the platform, and also determines the life and death of a platform. If SPORTS prices continue to fall, the number of people who stay on the platform will gradually decrease, and the platform may also die because it cannot afford to pay for the platform.

Sports talk social platform is very interesting, but it can spread the positive energy of sports here, so the interesting platform still hopes to develop well. Whether it's the platform itself or the surrogate pen, we hope to get better.

Love life, love sports.






现如今已经是2019年下半年了,从8月份开始,sportstalksocial的体育风还是存在的,但是价格却不怎么了。从Seem Engine中可以得知,在接近8月底的时候,价格已经开始渐渐走低,目前的价格是0.00071。



有人说一个月,有人说半年,弄不好明天就挂了... ...目前SPORTS的价值也许只是托起整个平台的发展吧,有的人为了赚取代币来到sportstalksocial,有的人为了体育来到这里。







sports is very good ,so also love sportstalk blog !

Support your sports post (by SPORTS Token and MARLIANS Token)
From @hertz300

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Dove will always support you on Sportstalksocial platform 💪

The sports platform will survive as the rewards are dropping because of the declining vote value. The abusers will get less and less and the ones who are staking will keep the platform going. I personally think sports is one of the tribes that has a great future and we must all just stick at it.

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