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RE: Uncertainty... Fear... My Real Thoughts

in #sports5 years ago

As you know, I an the least political person you will meet & minimize the amount of news I take in (just enough to be aware of what's going on in the world & for the trading). Unfortunately, the media tends to feed the world mostly negative topics. To me, that's quite sad since there truly is a lot of beauty in the world. We just have to dig deeper to find it.

I completely understand where you are coming from. Even though I try to step back & take an observer approach with a lot of things, it saddens me to see so much hate in the world. That's why it's important for us to step forward, in our own ways, & keep that light going in the world; stand for what is important. That is compassion, empathy & love.

Now I am not naieve. I know that is something that won't happen overnight but it all begins with us. I will gladly take part in that. It's my humble opinion & coming from a slightly spiritual angle.

Don't worry so much what others think, my friend. Be your authentic self. You got people behind you. 🙏💫💕

Posted using Partiko Android


Having the strength to say and do what is right should be the primary focus of everyone. Being kind takes no energy, and I for one, have a lot of kindness in me and will spread it to everyone that will listen. On the other hand, if I see wrongdoing, If I see evil... I will point it out and blast it from the rooftops... I have only just begun to #resist... Love you...

That sounds like a perfect balance. 😉
Love you too!

Posted using Partiko Android

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