Are You Ready To Get Woke As Fuck?

in #spirituality7 years ago


I recognize if you're on Steemit, you're a bit of an "outsider thinker!"

I like to tell myself that, anyways.

I know, I know - you joined because you love the block chain, and you hate the man :P

Me too!

There's a lot of interesting stuff on here: But almost nobody is talking about the one thing that is THE most important thing of all.

Spiritual enlightenment.

Yes, I said it.

Most people hear that and think "Ah, it's just a bunch of Old Indian guys in robes!" ... or they think it's somethign that's unnatainable for us "regular folks."

But listen. Seriously. Do you even know what it means? 

It means reunification what our true natures..... it means reunification with spirit!

As The Great Wayne Dyer said: "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."

That's what's going on here.

Huge amounts of people are waking up to the fact that this matrix all around us (The Governments, Medical establishmen, TV/MEdia, Educational system... there is one thing they want to keep us from discovering more than anything else! (Yes, even more profound that money is made up, and that they literally just print it give it to whoever they want!)

What's the secret?

It's simple: Re-incarnation is not "Theoretical" or a "Relegious Belief."

It's a fact! Not just because of text 1000's of years old discuss this openly - it's been proven in modern times too but Mr Ian Stevenson, and many others.

WE ARE IMMORTAL spiritual beings. Once we realize this, there is nothing to fear! The entire society os controlled (and kept in line) by fear. Without this fear, many more people would stand up for themselves. Many more would BE BOLD. We'd stand up. We'd Scream. We'd fight....  but if everyone woke up, we wouldn't have to... because there would only be love :)

Most people are so caught up in the matrix, they are just struggling to survive.

That's how it works. They have us in survival/fear based thinking. It's impossible to be in a state of love - which is our natural state!

It doesn't matter how "succesfful" you are, or how many friends you have, or what car you drive... all that crap is an illusion.

People Make Millions, BILLIONS of dollars and they are still miserable.

They realize that something else is STILL missing.

NONE of those things can bring you lasting happiness.


Because you are a human. Because we are TRAINED as humans to be living up in our BRAINS.

And our BRAINS are full of horrible programming from our childhood parental conditioning, educational system, and society itself.

A society that's only interested in a couple of things when it comes to us.

Making sure we conform. Making sure we pay our taxes. Making sure we feel scared and separated from each other... So nobody feels confident enough to step out of line.

As long as you are in the matrix, you will never be happy --- because you are living in hour head! Because THEY control that reality.

And your head is always thinking about the fact that someone else's girlfriend is hotter, or someone is is richer than you, or this person doesn't like you.... bla bla bla till the end of time!

99% of us, are still living UP IN OUR BRAIN - and 100% stuck in the matrix.

And who's the 1%?

The ENLIGHTENED humans beings who are living in the heart.

Guys like Mooji, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and many others.

Are those guys somehow born different? Super human? Specially chosen?

Maybe some... But many more are not.

Mooji used to work as an artist and a teacher. He was just a dude, like the rest of us.

And yet - now he's an enlightened master, fully self-realized.

Take a look at this video and tell me it's not so! (Amazing vid!)

Are you ready to clue into the one truth the matrix does NOT want you to realize?

Ready or not, here it is:

You are part of the divine.... You ARE the divine... Totally immortal! This "ME" we think is so real.... Simply is not what we are.

What you TRULY are can never be stopped, controlled, silence, or killed.

And they REALLY don't want you to discover that you can find total peace, happiness, and satisfaction in this life - simply by realizing what you truly are.

If you've not begun your spiritual journey yet..... Isn't it about time? You can ask anyone who's had it all (for example, Russell Brand) and they will all tell you: Only connection with the divine can bring lasting happiness.

Ironically, when you are in THAT place.... You can attract all the amazing partners you want into your life... but you won't NEED women to be happy.

You'll be able to make all the money you want too..... but you won't NEED lots of money, either.

THAT - is an amazing place to be - don't you think?

So ... if you make it this far down.... why not decide to start the journey, right now? To get out of your brain, and get into your heart. To wake up! :) 

If any of this resonates.... then come join me as I share some of the stuff I've learned on my journey, as I interview other people who are also on the spiritual path.... 

On my brand new WOKE As Fuck Podcast!!!

If you want love, peace, joy, everlasting freedom..... This podcast is gonna blow your mind! (Especially if you love all my rants on escaping the matrix, and the nature of reality.)

Are you ready to get woke?

The first episode is right here

Sasha (Alex) ;)

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