
I know the difference. They are all stepping stones used by the new world order to gain control. Socialism is what they say and use, the ideal to user in dictators. History shows us this clearly. I study history. This story is as old is time itself, and you are playing your part perfectly.

what? socialism does not need a state and has existed many times without it. You are the one being played by the rich oligarchs

lol fuck you i can guarantee you I am not, and you are missing a huge point... you don't account for the fact that the wolf comes in sheeps clothing, and when something comes in 'for the people' it is corrupted every single time. I am freeing myself from the system entirely. I am self sufficient, and aware, and outside of their banking system. I am ready to rock and I can guarantee I am closer to breaking free than you ever will be.

uhhhh stalin tried to step down at least twice but the public didn't want him to lmao

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