Facebook revealed as hypocrites by Project Veritas regarding Covid-19.

in #social4 years ago


Project Veritas recently revealed a new facet of Facebook’s hypocrisy. During the summer of 2020 Mark Zuckerberg wanted his employees to be mindful of potential risks in vaccines that changes people’s DNA as he announced in a internal weekly Q&A meeting.

However the current Facebook policy regarding the Wuhan Flu states that any content will be removed that: “claims that the Covid-19 vaccine changes people’s DNA”.

Regardless of the veracity of various claims about the vaccines it is obvious that Facebook is not a platform to have conversations about truth. Well perhaps such exchanges are allowed internally in some measure but as a casual user of the platform you are told what view of reality is kosher.

We have a brave Facebook insider to thank for the emergence of the internal weekly Q&A meeting video and our respect is also deserved by Project Veritas for allowing the public to take part of these findings.

The faster we all move over to free social media sites the faster humanity can establish worthwhile cultural norms that enable a free market of ideas. Generations beyond us will depend upon our success to live out their potential as intelligent and open minded agents.
What we do here and now will echo in eternity, it falls to us to face the challenge of being pioneers in new media platforms. To speak out our thoughts without knowing if someone will listen.
I for one welcome this challenge.


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