Sndbox Summer Camp Writing- Task 2 ( Malaysia Transportation system)

in #sndboxquest6 years ago

Dear steemian,

Downtown Kuala Lumpur
Technology is something that’s have a lot of influence to our daily lives, and it is also has level and the user of each technology that appropriate in such level of people in using the technology, for the people who live in the central of capital city, internet access and mobile network coverage is become the main need in performing the daily activities. For the people who live in the city to reach the destination place is now days can be easily accessed throughout the digital map application. The application will informed the fastest access road and how many hours the place can be reached; this application map is admitted very helpful for every user in reaching the unfamiliar place whether in our own country or others country.

Talk about technology it is all about advantage and disadvantage to some aspects of live, technology has become the criteria on how country can be admitted as a developing country or it is call as metropolitan. It is depend on how technology can be used by the citizens in accessing the technology as the basic service for the people. One of the examples of the service with technology is transportation technology. Malaysia and Singapore are among the countries of South East Asia that’s own the most advance transportation technology, even though Indonesia is chasing now by the Mass rapid transportation commuter project in the capital city of Jakarta. Mass transportation is actually provided to reduce the use of personal vehicle that exactly will cause the crowded of transportation and also will increase the air pollution. Technology of transportation is the great choose that made by the government in encouraging people to use the mass transport, rather than use their own vehicle.

The transportation technology believes can be the smart choice in reducing level of pollution within the busiest city such as Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. But the presence of transportation must be ensured the function for the people regarding arrival time and the facilities that provided. This is how Malaysia and Singapore provided the transportation system with the best management to their citizen and the tourist because this is can be done parallel and it is integrated work to provide service.

On September 2012 was my first time visiting Malaysia for applying the overseas scholarship, the information of this scholarship is I got from my senior, his name was Sabiran. He sent all the information and the scholarship form through my email; he said he will spend his holiday in Aceh, so I decide to come to Malaysia with him. At that time I don’t have passport so he ask me to make a passport for the ticket booking purpose. the first moment flight to Malaysia is the moment I never forgot, for Acehnese people, Malaysia is the second home land this is due to so many Acehnese people went to Malaysia for medication purpose, education, business and also to work there.

When I arrive at the airport Sabiran takes me to the nearest outlet of Sim card, he said I need to buy the sim card at the airport so the card is already registered by the official seller so I can just call my parent to inform them that I already safely arrived. So the airport is where to buy the sim card that’s already activated, it is different if have to buy the card outside the Malaysia Airport we have to wait at least 6 hours to get activated by the authorized sim card company.
After activated m sim card, I call my parent to let them know I have arrived at the airport, and right now I am on the way to Sabiran house. We take the bus from the airport because there was no train at that time at the airport on 2012 because the Air Asia is still using LCCT airport so there was no access to train. So we travel by bus to the nearest train station in Nilai. It takes about 20 minutes to reach Nilai commuter station, this electric train is one of the transportation facilities in Malaysia. When I arrived I was feeling amazed to see the train in Malaysia it is well known as KTM (Kereta APi Tanah Melayu) the oldest transportation that’s always updated by the government to provide a better service for the citizens and for the tourist. The train is very clean and the temperature was very nice to be inside the train on the way to our destination station. I was thinking, when Indonesia possibly have the transportation like this.

Kreta Api Tanah Melayu

It is making me flash back my memories when I was working in Palembang south Sumatra province, I was worked for my relative company in agriculture as store manager for two years before I decide to resign and apply for the overseas scholarship. After graduated from my bachelor degree I decided to work outside my home town, I got an offer from my cousin to work with him at his company as store manager; I acquire many experiences when I was in Palembang, South Sumatra. I always travel from Palembang to Lampung using train because I have to meet the distributor and the reseller in some of sub district in Palembang and lampung. I always travel from Kertapati train station to Tanjung karang station at Lampung province. It is take more than ten hours to arrive to Lampung province. But the problem is the train is very uncomfortable it is so dirty and the train is not provided a good toilet for the passengers. Actually the train provides to different class for passenger to choose economic class and executive class, but sometimes I have to take economy class. There was no air conditioner in the train we just open the window. The condition is really different with the train in Malaysia.

During my study time I spent most of week end to travel by train to the downtown of Kuala Lumpur with my friends, spending time on the week end to downtown of Kuala Lumpur is the thing that very interesting for us as student, the area that we must visit is Chawkit the central market. We come to chawkit is for the reasonably reason, in this place I can have Acehnese food because there was Aceh Restaurant here in this central market, so I can a bit cure from my homesickness if I come and having lunch here at the restaurant. Besides heading to Chawkit the purpose is to test all transportation facilities in downtown Kuala Lumpur, actually Kuala Lumpur has three different trains transportation mode MRT, Commuter and Monorail train. But this three train mode is integrated so we can move from one mode to another mod just in the same station the different is the building level. Beside finding the food we also always hunting for the book exhibition and also the extra discount for gadget in the area of Bukit Bintang which is known as the most excited place that visit by every tourist who come to visit Malaysia.

KL Sentral Hub Station

The comfortable of transportation facility make everyone who visit this country will again miss the moment and plan to visit it again in the next moment of holiday, I always made the same friend who travel to Malaysia when I was studying there. and for the most of them I ask the same question what makes you feel like you have to come back again to visit Malaysia, I always got the same answer most of them answer the transportation facilities is the main factor that attract them to come again to visit Malaysia. Every tourist who visited Malaysia can be independently using the public transport and reach every corner of the city in Malaysia. This is due to the integrated system of transportation with the best management system that applied.

There was two hub of transportation terminal in Malaysia that can connect everyone to travel around Malaysia. The first one is Kl Central this the biggest hub for train intercity and the downtown Kuala Lumpur every tourist who want to travel around Malaysia using train is can go from this station hub, the other big hub of terminal transportation is the integrated terminal at Bandar Tasek Selatan Terminal, this is the integrated terminal with bus facilities that operated for the intercity passenger who want to travel around Malaysia, from this hub also every tourist can reach the airport through this terminal, besides use as the hub of integrated transportation this two hub also provide the place for relax and so many restaurant inside the terminal hub, this extra facilities is the way Malaysia attract the tourist visit this country. This is based on my own experience I also often spending my time to visit the airport Malaysia airport known as KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) in this airport we can find the extra facilities for traveler and back packer.

BTS hub Station

The transportation is the basic need of citizens that must be fulfilling by the government; it is the right to have a good quality life. Actually sometimes I felt jealous to the Malaysia citizens for the service that they obtain from their government. A good transportation and access road in the entire country of Malaysia, is the one of factor that scaling up their economic number. The access from one region to another region can be reached with many choice of transportation mode. According to the survey data, Malaysia and Singapore is the country with a good access road among south East Asia country.

The access road and transportation is the integrated need in keeping the service to citizens, and it is become the responsibilities of government in governing the country. And the one indicator on keeping the citizen feel happy and out of stress. There are some of factor in determining the happy city such as socio economic factor, environmental factor and public facilities service. In the metropolitan city everything must be organized very well this is due to the high of activity of every citizen who lived and work in the city. Fortunately I have felt how the routine of weeks day in Jakarta Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia.

It is quite stress when everyone have to arrive at the office or school on time, but the transportation and the access road is really un support the thing to be happen, I mean the stress of worker in Jakarta is highest than the worker in Singapore and Malaysia regarding transportation access. It is due to number of citizens and the lack of transportation mode in Jakarta. In Jakarta the worker have to wake up at 4 o’clock to avoid from being late to the office it is because traffic jam and the lack of transportation mode in the city. So the people in Jakarta have to struggle to come to the office on time. In Malaysia the people go to the office at 6, and the interval time of train for one route is one hour it is due to peak time. So everyone can come to the work or school on time.

The role of government is actually to provide better services of transportation and access road for the citizen in the daily activities. Beside test train mode transportation I also have test riding the bus in Malaysia going to different district such as Johor Baru, Terengganu, Malaka and Kedah. A long way to the every district I was felt comfortable journey, Malaysia is having the better access road. And this is also proof by the traffic condition on the week end is a bit crowded because the people who live in Kuala Lumpur is usually spend the long week end in their home town so they come back to their village to visit their parent for a couple days. And it is also when the Idul fitri Holiday. The Indonesian people who lived in Jakarta also spending the idul fitri holiday at their home land, but it is different. Every year the Indonesia government only seriously maintains the access road condition before the idul fitri holiday, and this is happen every year.

Best Regard



Salam kenal bro, postingan nya sangat menginsprasi
Jangan lupa untuk tetap steem on steemit! hehe

Salam kenal @heipz , terima kasih telah singgah...

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