Silver Adventures of Captain Joshua Slane – 19AU18 – “Silvers Contest update!”

in #silver6 years ago (edited)


"Weel it's time fur uir silver contest update an' sae forth! let's see hoo th' sailors ur daein'!" - Keptin

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✔ Silver Contest Rules:

“Ahh will makes thes offer, a stoatin standin' offer! Fur every Up-Vote or Reply 'att Ahh might receive frae ye followers ay th' toor, Ahh will donate one copper ($0.01) intae th' silver contest fund fur buyin silvers fur th’ crew! That's reit! One copper fur every Up-Vote or Reply! 'En, as suin as th' pot is large enaw tae buys a silver, Ahh will award 'att winin' coin tae th' most actiff crewman (th' one 'att Up-Votes an' Replies ta mah blog th' most an' so forth) Ahh'm goin aw oan fur ye mates, an' Ahh dae believe in 'passin' it forwards' an' such!

Absolute anonymity is ay coorse respected. Stoaner wark is a value, it has a worth. Ahh believe 'att. We will makes quite a holiday it ay thes, postin' a runnin' balance an' ay coorse th' top ten most actiff crewman!"

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Fine print an' such:

✔ Article 1: Aw contributions mus' be an Up-Vote or a Reply.
✔ Article 2: Prize - 1 oz ay Silvers - Current cost: 1,487 Coppers, plus 150 coppers fur margin, plus 250 coppers fur shippin', fur a grain total ay 1,887 coppers.

✔ Article 3: Whoever wins th' current roond mus' sit-oot th' next one in fairness an' gracioos demeanur an' sae forth.

✔ Article 4: Th' price ay silvers is subject tae change dae tae markit value an' pirates an' such.

"Guid luck tae aw, an' may th' best mucker win!" - Keptin


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