Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant No. 2, Radiation dose is more than expected - Scorpion Robot

in #sievert8 years ago

The other day, the nuclear power plant No. 2 of Fukushima, radiation dose is worsening at the rate hourly 530 Sievert

According to the Japan Times on February 9, TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) launched a cleaning robot to remove internal sediments, for full-scale investigation inside the containment vessel of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant No. 2. But about two hours of work abandoned and recall the robot. The amount of space radiation estimated was 650 sievert per hour, which exceeding the previous reading and also it is considered to be caused by the fact that the camera could not function within a strong radiation condition.

TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) tried to remove sediment deposited on the pressure vessel a part of the rail leading to the beneath. The thickness is about 2 cm at the maximum. The preliminary stage of the investigation TEPCO plans to investigate the extent of nuclear fuel melting down by introducing a scorpion type self-propelled robot.

There is no doubt that it is a considerably high radiation levels, but this robot can withstand 1,000 Sievert in 2 hours.

According to the Chinese newspaper announcement, China is warning the Chinese travelers to Japan, will be visible to as growing anxiety at home and abroad. However, at the present moment, there are no impact outside the nuclear power plants including outside air and the ocean. Besides, the radiation dose in the facility is not rising since the accident.

The existence of sediments has been confirmed even in the working scaffolding just under the pressure, and it is considered the possibility of molten nuclear fuel (debris), but it is unknown yet.

TEPCO has announced that "There is no big obstacle to disturb investigation of scorpion robots at the present time," and also there are no big changes in the plans to be introduced on February. It seems that a tough situation will continue.

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