Uninstall Guide: Toxic Masculinity Part 1, The Low Down

in #sex6 years ago (edited)


What is Toxic Masculinity?

Toxic masculinity is a maya matrix script which gets unconsciously downloaded when we are in a delicate imprinting phase. This is usually in adolescence but could be younger, it depends on development rates and the sensitivity of the individual. It affects both men and women, but is expressed more readily by men.

At the delicate imprinting stage when we are ramping up hormone production, it is our time to learn about sexual energy. We begin to create identities which are consistent with social groups and societies, we look for approval. Without the identities we won't fall for this script. Unfortunately most people don't reach this level of awareness by the time the imprinting has happened.


The Raw Deal

Some exceptional individuals will feel the wrongness in it, and they can avoid the programming. Alternatively, after a shift in perception or a spiritual awakening - we can choose to consciously uninstall this program, opting for a more open and natural relating style. The latter is the path that I went down, having come from unconsciousness and embodying this program. Realistically a lot of people will have to come this way, given the extent of our programming.

It will take a willingness to be very strong, and work with disturbing energies. All the while keeping the open-ness necessary to forgive and not judge. We unify, we don't divide. We don't say "it's your fault", but we can ask people to take responsibility, and we can give beings the opportunity to heal and work through it. Who is facilitating this work? It's a huge amount to ask of this generation, but this is exactly what the universe is asking. So we heed the call and we work with what we have. We heal as we go, and we don't tolerate abuses of our humanity.

Toxic masculinity is highly prevalent in contemporary 'society’. It is vital that we restructure our influence towards young people and give healthy examples. This is everyone's responsibility, and we do it simply by paying attention and being strong when necessary. We do it by modelling our actions and choosing to live in the new earth, where all beings are respected and no one is coerced.


Two Main Aspects

The essence of toxic masculinity is a kind of aggression, it's the urge to overpower and dominate other people and life in general. It can play out in a very obvious overt way, but also in subtle ways that have been worked into our social structure. The extreme example is actual killing and raping. There are also more covert expressions such as unquestioned assumptions about men's and women's roles and rights.

The second part of toxic masculinity is the tendency to be very disconnected from emotions and situations. In the balanced form the masculine energy has a calm detached quality which can observe life without being shaken by it. In the unbalanced form, this detached energy becomes a disconnection which represses feeling and empathy. In the disconnected state, we have to do extreme things in order to feel something, and our lack of empathy makes it possibly to carry these extremes out on other beings.


Yin and Yang

It's my personal understanding; having observed life, the male and female bodies do have a different tendency for expression, yet each of us contains both masculine and feminine energies. This tendency is not a given, and plenty of us don't align with it. Fundamentally we are the same regardless of the body, but the bodies we inhabit will have slightly different energies based on the physical structures they are made of.

There's some truth in stereotypes, but as I am describing here there is also many lies. Some of these lies are very damaging and need to be deeply questioned.


Toxic Masculinity as a Distortion of the Divine Masculine

The divine masculine favors reasoning, moving toward objectives, understanding the laws of the universe, taking ownership, strength and stability, and inhabiting a still meditative space. In the highest form it is pure perception and emptiness. It gives a context for the 'magic' of the feminine to express its self.

On earth we have seen an imbalance and overemphasis of the distorted masculine energy. It's an obvious phenomenon. Our precious planet has been witness to countless wars during pretty much all of recorded history. This drive for power and dominance is a continual theme, and we have seen it play out again and again. The masculine principle which drives for progress and expansion is subverted into a child like game of ownership and ego battles.

There may have been a time not so long ago, where matriarchal societies were the dominant social structure. Respect for our planetary organism, and each other as beings was the vibration of these communities. In our current time line we actually see a shift back to this, during this ascension phase. As I have said earlier, in my observation the feminine force (in general) tends toward nurturance and abundance. It is a giving force, and this is the basic energy of our planet its self - it's designed to nurture and support us in abundance. The current layer of severe lack, and economic domination is our own contrivance. This has been built upon that overemphasized masculine energy, and it has pushed the balance very far out of alignment.


The Scale of The Issue

We can look at things on the macro planetary level or on the societal level. For me it is very important to look at the individual level as well. The individual level is the space where we have the most control over the outcome. I'm calling on all men here to step up and into our role as warriors and protectors. We are sacred servants of the feminine, and we need her more than ever right now to help us heal ourselves and our planet. I'm also calling on women to be radiant beacons as well, which in it's own way begins to realign this distortion. We are a unified species, and the emphasis on gender is not really important. This is a similar and related program that we need to question and break open with our perception.


ET Theory

Some say that this is connected to past intervention by Annunaki races, which may have happened periodically hundreds of thousands of years ago. The Annunaki Implanted this biological energetic tendency to dominate women sexually to ensure their genetic material was widely dispersed. This mode of consciousness also reflects the Annunaki as a frequency, having lost it's connection to the source it now looks for damaging and parasitic ways to reconnect. This tends to involve the manipulation and exploitation of other races who can provide opportunity and 'food' for them.

Toxic Masculinity could be both a societal imprint and a genetic one. If this is the case then it will require both keen perception and inner strength to overcome.

We have seen a lot of this kind of material being purged from the collective as of late. It can see disturbing but it always is when our dark energies come to the surface. First there was a Facebook phenomenon where a lot of women and men came into the open about being affected by sexual abuse of some kind. Then there was the sudden outing of influential hollywood producers and actors who were revealed to be repeatedly abusing people.


Dark Rituals

I don't want to go into this too much, but there is a link between the controlling elite and these kind of dark energies. I read an article recently about ritual abuse of children perpetrated by British politicians. I don't want to point the blame, but I do want to say that there is a very specific energy at work here that feeds on our negative emotions of fear and pain. These entities have been described as either negative Extra Terrestrials or inter dimensional Archons. If they do exist, they exist on a bandwidth that we can't perceive with our physical senses. We can sense them with our activated energies though, and in fact go so far beyond that spectrum that it becomes totally not worth our time.

The agenda of the Archons keeps us in fear, based in the lower energies of survival. If we trascend it and activate the higher energies, then we tend to attract other entities of a much more benevolent nature. There is no contest between these entities. There is no contest between unity and division, unity always eclipses and erases these dark energies easily. It's up to us to make the jump in perception though.


Specific Perversions

Society tends to be over sexualized in general, with a focus on ownership and power plays. The masculine part is the most visible aspect of a total perversion and theft of our sexual energies. Sexual energy is a potent force for humanity, so if there is an agenda of keeping us asleep and dis empowered then it would be important to shut this powerful energy down.

Pornography tends to spread an energy of obsession and ownership. It commodifies a woman's body and puts a man into a kind of 'dream spell'. Stripper and prostitution culture creates a disturbing dynamic between men and women of co dependency. We see the sacred spiritual union reduced to the basic sexual act. Add in the monetization and we can see that the capacity for expansion is non existent in this context.

Love should be freely given in any form it takes. Here we see the man put into the role of a disconnected accumulator who trades his wealth for sex and attention. The woman takes on the role of a manipulator who has a submissive role that absorbs the mans disconnected energy, while portraying a mask of happiness and enjoyment. Each party mutually exploits the other, and no one is uplifted through this process. They both quietly resent it and are just looking for a real heart connection.


I can see that this article is getting VERY LONG, so I have decided to cut it off and write the uninstall guide in a separate piece (tomorrow most likely).

Thank you for reading, please feel free to leave a comment. I would love to hear what people have to say about this topic and their own experiences navigating through it.


Link to Part 2 - The Uninstallation Guide

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The media continues to push that teenagers are somehow special, separate from their parents, indeed separate from the rest of society. This pushes them to ape each other, without wisdom and without guidance. It is really up to parents to retake control - assuming such parents have any. Most seem to have devolved responsibilities to the media.


Upvoted (by @rycharde), resteemed (by @accelerator) and has been added to the latest MAP Upvotes post.

I came for the uninstall guide, but stayed for the ET theories. You've shown me yours, can I show you mine?

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Hi, noticed you delegated, then undelegated to @accelerator. If you just changed your mind, that's OK, but if you want any technical advice then come chat on Discord. Also, you may notice that SP will wait 7 days to be back in your usable SP.

Yeah well I kinda just delegated it out without thinking, then realized it might not be a good idea with only 150 odd SP to my name. I like to manually vote for newbs. I spose there's dust buster though.

So I undelegated, and yes that was when I learned it was a week long commitment 😂 I'm learning so fast!

OK, no problem. The 7 day "clearing time" is to avoid the same SP being used to its max, then delegated to another account, repeat. Unfortunately the system doesn't care that in this case it was only a few minutes.

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Sorry i came late to this one. This is beautiful and very balanced. Also really grateful you are open about the realities of gender for many people while also acknowledging the differences and important balance of masculine and feminine. Excellent post.

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