The Era Of Resurrection Biotechnology {Shame On Extinction}

in #science7 years ago

It is no doubt that some animals have gone into extinction, and some will still go into extinction. But what if I tell you that you can breed back an animal that had gone into extinction, say 500years ago?

We have had of technologies that can prolong life indefinitely, and other technologies that can reverse the process of death. But this is nothing compared to the process of de-extinction.

Resurrection biotechnology (also called de-extinction) is an emerging tech that seeks to bring revival to creatures that have long gone into extinction. This sounds impossible. But I humbly wish to remind us of this fact:

A perfectly established technology is almost indistinguishable from magic – Arthur C. Clarke {Paraphrased by me}

Processes of resurrection biotechnology

There are some proposed methods in achieving the process of Creature Revivalism in resurrection biotechnology. We’ll look at it. But before I continue, I’d love to tell you that a prototype has been created.

A Pyrenean Ibex (bucardo) that was officially extinct in 2000 was re-bred with this tech (this is actually the first creature to survive the process)

Back to the process of creature revivalism

  • Cloning: This is not a new term in the field of science. In this process, a DNA sample from a preserved extinct specie is replicated and used to clone a new specie with the aid of surrogate parents. This process was proposed by Dr. Stewart Brand. The cloning process of the bucardo is depicted in the image below
  • Selective Breeding: This is another process in the revivalism of extinct creatures. In this process, a sample of DNA, probably extracted from the bone remains of the creature, will be recreated. And then compared with a living specie that must have evolved from the extinct specie, and a reverse-evolution will be initiated through selective breeding. Example of this could be: Taking a DNA sample of Homo erectus and recreating it; then using it to reverse the trend of evolution in a modern man (Homo sapiens), thus recreating the extinct specie. Fascinating, isn’t it? The specimen being processed for this procedure is the Aurochs     (officially extinct in 1627)  

Opponents to resurrection biotechnology

It is not uncommon that a technology like this will raise some eyebrows. Some have argued that; instead of spending so much to revive an extinct specie, it is better to use it to preserve endangered species. Does it really work like that?

The point I’m looking at is: what if, one day, scientists revive a creature that will disrupt the balance of our ecosystem? A dinosaur for example.

Well, for me, I’d love some Neanderthals to be revived. I want to have a feeling of what it’s like to live through history. "Extinction" is finally humiliated.

Thanks for reading

Image sources: Img1, Img2, Img3
References for further reading: ref1, ref2, ref3


I was reading about the revival of the Wooly Mammoth some time back. I thing the proposed method for the process is the same as that used in reviving the Bucardo. I aso remember reading about how breeders tried to revive the Aurochs by practicing selective breeding between various breeds of cattle. I think the Spanish fighting cattle was one of the breeds used. There is no such thing as impossible. If your mind can bring up the idea, then it is possible.

"Magic is science that is not understood and Science is magic that is understood"_ @illuminatus, 2017

You're absolutely correct. Science is only mind-limited. Once your mind can conceive it, then you can create it

Hello @sammy

I am actually a science guy and very verse in biotech. But to tell you the truth, I have never heard about de-extinction. This makes this article a masterpiece. Thanks

I've heard of it. Heard of cryogenics? Wrote briefly about it here. Technology is a beautiful thing. The next 50 years would be super interesting. We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg.

I've done something on Cryogenics and cryonics too. In the world of tech, the word "impossible" does not exist.

You got the right mindset. That's the only way to go. Some people said an airplane can't fly simply because it's heavy. Now we have airlplanes airlifting armoured tanks weighing tons.

Thanks a lot @eurogee. We learn everyday, and the area of science and emerging technology is so vast. Thanks for reading.

I need me some dragons. Let's do a real life Game of Thrones. Anyone taking me up on this offer?

Sounds fascinating, but not when I de-extinct a "Tyrannosaurus rex" before you. It will be game over :-)

Till then I'll manage my dragons :)

Lol, and I'll manage my T-Rex

While the T-rex might be a massive creature, there are some evidences to prove that it is not exactly a speedster, so @bitfairy would be whooping your arse if only Dragons aren't the most popular animals that never existed, unless he wants to stick with a Pterosaur.

I could combine the size and strength of the Tyrannosaurus Rex with the agility of Pterosaurs or Pteranodon with an incorporation of hybidoma technology. Do you know what I'll create? A "bad ass" weapon :)

I totally understand you but if @bitfairy is able to create a Dragon, you are still bound to lose, as you lack air advantage. He definitely won't be dumb enough to battle you on the ground. It can be likened to trying to fight a man with a plane with a Kalashnikov Ak 47 in his hand, while you have an armour tank that can not shoot anything in the skies.

Not really, Pterosaurs and Pteranodon (flying dinosaur) do fly, just like dragons. So you see, I'm battle-ready. Bring it on @bitfairy

If you'll be bringing in their ability to fly, you might stand at an advantage buy fire is a very deadly weapon

I'm on my way

Almost done with the creation. I just need me a dwarf, a Tyrion, to unleash the dragon.

Lol, you can create the Tyrion too

GoT great fan spotted :)

Looks like I am reading something high fictional...
Like a piece off the desk of Michael Crichton (AUTHOR OF JURASSIC PARK)

Lol. There are some real life feats in science that make Sci-fi look like a child's play. Welcome to the future

Yeah... I know I have been roati

Am confused here o
Not all that into science
So that can be possible?

Nothing is impossible in science

This isn't really true though. They are so many things science hasn't been able to explain or accomplish. So many of them.

That doesn't mean they're impossibilities

They are until proven otherwise.

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