
Till then I'll manage my dragons :)

Lol, and I'll manage my T-Rex

While the T-rex might be a massive creature, there are some evidences to prove that it is not exactly a speedster, so @bitfairy would be whooping your arse if only Dragons aren't the most popular animals that never existed, unless he wants to stick with a Pterosaur.

I could combine the size and strength of the Tyrannosaurus Rex with the agility of Pterosaurs or Pteranodon with an incorporation of hybidoma technology. Do you know what I'll create? A "bad ass" weapon :)

I totally understand you but if @bitfairy is able to create a Dragon, you are still bound to lose, as you lack air advantage. He definitely won't be dumb enough to battle you on the ground. It can be likened to trying to fight a man with a plane with a Kalashnikov Ak 47 in his hand, while you have an armour tank that can not shoot anything in the skies.

Not really, Pterosaurs and Pteranodon (flying dinosaur) do fly, just like dragons. So you see, I'm battle-ready. Bring it on @bitfairy

If you'll be bringing in their ability to fly, you might stand at an advantage buy fire is a very deadly weapon

I'm on my way

Almost done with the creation. I just need me a dwarf, a Tyrion, to unleash the dragon.

Lol, you can create the Tyrion too

GoT great fan spotted :)

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