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RE: Extraterrestrial life might be less common than thought previously?

in #science6 years ago

It's absolutely how absurd how human mammals are so vain to think that humans define everything or it doesn't exist. I get into stupid arguments over this. I have indigenous polynesian blood, in the ancient lores all has life essence which is conscious information field— even a lettuce plant for example. Now science says, "Whoa, discovery! Lettuce can hear you eating it!" Duh! But don't tell the hardcore animals activists (I am one, just not hardcore) that plants are alive too. How we define life is all to coddle justifications with how we are and what we do, and being the center of our universe. I absolutely believe — even from a purely statistical standpoint — that life exists without carbon or phosphorus or anything we care to define because I define life as awareness of itself — even chemically and reactively.

It's also probable that others exist simultaneously at present, but we experience only the limited amount of existence our brains and tools allow us to data process. Even our tools are build to select data with bias in favor of what we can process. If we don't experience it personally, we consider it null. Foolishness.


That indeed is quite a statement which I can support.
Actually, I doubt that we can give a 100% correct definition of what is life / alive.
We know that in a healthy wood trees support each other.
Are these trees alive or is it just an ecosystem that looks like being alive?
We are simply to stupid to tell for sure ...

I'm bummed I didn't see this reply. And I ask the same questions but I favor on the side of assuming life until proven otherwise. And what is life? Yes, it gets philosophical because if a mushroom isn't alive then are we? All I know for certain is how my own brain imagines reality to be. We all share some common ideas about what reality is because we're all working with similar hardware (brains) as macro-organisms. How do we know that the yeast in our stomachs aren't daydreaming they're the center of the universe and we don't exist to them. Lol.

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