Scientists have issued new "warning" about climate change. How climate change is affecting our planet and how can we play our role to decrease it?

in #science7 years ago

According to new research, most of the countries across the globe are unable to meet Paris climate deal in which greenhouse gases goals were defined and the consequences would result in extreme weather.

Environment Agency has issued warning that intense attacks of flooding may occur in North East due to climate change. It has warned the young people that they should be more prepared.

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Research says that chances of dryness, precipitation and dry heat will rise to around 90% if countries of Europe, North America and Asia don’t make efforts to minimize greenhouse gases emission.

“We are not prepared for today’s climate, let alone for another degree of global warming,” says study author Noah Diffenbaugh, a Stanford University professor of earth system science.


We have reached another miserable milestone. Polar ice has fallen to its lowest level since start of human civilization.

Ice sheets absorb most of the sun's heat. The loss of sea polar ice is considered one of the most vital sign as the planet warms. When ice melts, ocean water is exposed, it absorbs more heat and hence it starts new chapter of global warming. It is affecting the sea mammals especially polar bears and walruses.

As a result of climate change, major cities of the world are getting out of water. Weather is becoming more extreme all over the world. Cape Town might be at risk of running completely dry and fear to reach day zero. The residents of Cape Town have been asked to limit their water usage. Some areas of US and Brazil have already seen drought.

Climate change has also affected the wildlife across the world.

It has forced Australian rats to extinct and now bats have also going to affect. Bats travel to warmer areas when temperatures start to drop. This change in bats migration pattern also affects their reproduction cycle.

According to UN report, 90% of natural disasters are related to weather. The planet’s glaciers and ice are rapidly melting and as a result of this melting, sea level is rising and ocean is heating. It is fueling storms and hurricanes. Last year hurricanes in USA are example of climate change.

Almost one third of CO₂ emissions finish up in oceans changing the chemistry of the ocean water and making it more acidic. This acidic water is dissolving seashells and sea creatures are dying.

Rapidly changing climate is making agriculture more vulnerable.

Globally, farmers are struggling hard to cope the threats of flooding and draught. Both these extremes are destroying the crops. Fertile top soil is washed away due to flooding while droughts are drying out the crops causing huge loss to the farmers. Most of the Texas corn crops are badly affected due to drought.

Flooding and other extreme weather conditions damage the infrastructure and disrupt the transportation system such as road, airport runways and rail lines. Underground tunnels get flooded and bridges are deformed due to thermal expansion.

Some other effects of global warming on planet Earth are summarized below:

• Many rare species are affected due to rise in temperature. For example, Adelie penguins have declined in number in Antarctica.

• Some foxes, butterflies and hilly plants have moved farther to relatively cooler regions.

• Globally, rain and snowfall has increased on average.

• Sea levels are estimated to rise up to 23 inches by the end of this century.

• Chances of hurricanes and storms are becoming stronger.

• In Ethiopia, rainfall could decline by ten percent over the coming 50 years.

• Some diseases will start to spread mostly malaria and Zika virus.


Climate change will not only affect the planet but it will also impact human health in the following ways:

• Increase in temperature increases the formation of smog. It causes irritation of lungs and activates asthma.

• Extreme heat during summer leads to more death and diseases causing bacteria grow faster in warmer fresh water.

• For every 1°C increase in temperature above threshold limit, death rate could increase by 2 – 5%.

• Increase in UV radiation can affect our immunity system.

• Increased droughts can lead to mental illness and suicide.

• Due to poor growth of vegetation, malnutrition is likely to increase.

• Due to increase in sea surface temperature, waterborne infections would spread.

• Chemical air pollutants can increase the impact of allergenic pollens on human health.


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Since later part of 20th century, human activities have caused the remarkable increase in global average temperatures. The most contributing activities are as be:

• Burning of fossil fuels during industrial revolution has increased in greenhouse gases concentrations.

• Rapid expansion of development, farming and industries are increasing carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere and changing the climate system.

• Deforestation, urbanization and change in vegetation patterns also affect the climate.


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• Removing fossil fuel subsidies
• Accelerating energy efficiency
• Using renewable energy
• Building low carbon, robust cities
• Growing forest landscapes
• Reducing air pollution




A very comprehensive and well thought out post. The danger is of course that we all think this is beyond our ability to change, because the tiny things each and every one of can do - when combined can have a massive impact. Little things like turning lights off when not needed, walking more instead of using vehicles, taking care not to waste food - it can easily seem like it won't make a difference - but if everyone did it!

The problem with humanity is that 90% thinks they’re above all this and that they rule the earth. They are watching from a distance, expecting the governments to fix the problem, while doing nothing themselves.
I don’t believe humanity will be able to destroy the earth: nature will find a way, and humanity will be the first to be destroyed by its power.

I don't fear for the earth. I fear for humans.

Great post. I hope Jerry resteems you. I love that you start your "to do" list with ending subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. That is definitely a minimal hurdle, to simply stop incentivizing making things worse!

One of the effect climate change is going to cause is the release of Pandora box of disease that have long been in hibernation if we care less. These diseases causative agents have been trapped in the permafrost for thousands and millions of years. Great post!

One of the hardest things for humanity is thinking globally. We inherently think our efforts are inconsequential compared to the scale of the problem. We need to start thinking bigger and support more aggressive action by governments and citizens. Thanks for sharing such an important message. It is a stark warning, together is our only chance of healing the planet.

This post has received a 0.12 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Let's save our Earth with keep go green.. love our Earth

Nice post you..

The end is near. And all the destructions cause by human.

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